Old UT Photos

Yeah, @SabreHorn,

Long time ago but I remember that necessary but nasty land grab on the East side of I-35. There was no other direction to go!

The very UGLY- LBJ (cough) library building killed off historic Clark Field (baseball) had a big role in that land grab to the East of campus.
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Yeah, @SabreHorn,

Long time ago but I remember that necessary but nasty land grab on the East side of I-35. There was no other direction to go!

The very UGLY- LBJ (cough) library building killed off historic Clark Field (baseball) had a big role in that land grab to the East of campus.
If they choose to build the new DF on that side of 35, the first go-round will be child's play.

To add a little more Texas "flavor" to the picture, the 36th and 45th Infantry Divisions were the spearheads of the Anzio, Italy invasion, fighting their way up to and liberating Naples.

The 36th Division wore the "T" patch that is still used today by the Texas Army National Guard, and the 45th wore the "Thunderbird" patch, which is still in use in the Oklahoma National Guard. (Seems men from Northeast Texas were assigned to the 45th instead of the 36th.)

The 36th stayed in Italy, but the 45th eventually led the invasion of southern France in 1944, fighting up through the middle of France and into Germany where, once under Patton's command they made a u-turn and headed south capturing all of the major cities in the southern part of Germany ending up in Munich which included liberating the Dachau POW camp.

While in Munich, the 45th's headquarters was the Hofbräuhaus, which at the time was the least damaged building in the city. Every time I visit Munich I have a meal and host a mug or two at the Hofbräuhaus to my dad and his buddies in the 45th.

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