OK, I think there are 5 or 6 of us up right now

Drinking more than someone else is usually doable. It gets interesting when considering who can take the longest leak (time wise).

Oh wait, I can't talk about that!
i'm already hungover
Why is it that it's easier to absorb info from the internets instead of stuff that I need for class?

Maybe its that damned critter that's rustling around outside my window. I hope its not one of the undead. My domicile ain't zombie proof, and I only got an old wooden softball bat as my only weapon.
They used too.

The one I have was given to me by my 87 year old godmother. The stuff on there reads "Hillerich & Bradsby Co., Louisville KY" and its got a "Red Arrow" logo on it.
Hey man, this is serious business. When Z-Day comes (and its coming I tell you) the only instruments I have now won't be enough. An old softball bat and a beat up GMC truck can only take you so far.
A cricket bat would be sweet, but a good ol' American bat with tape grip is enough to get me from where I'm at to the nearest gun store once the zombies decide to show up.
Both Mac and Voodoo bring up good points. If you use a college bat, you will get more distance. Throw on some clear, and watch out!

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