OK, I think there are 5 or 6 of us up right now

The unfortunate part of graduating from UT and being the only guy that stayed in Austin afterwards, all your late night options are gone. Makes me feel old.
The guy who is on a terrible budget due to a ****** salary at work (paid once a month) until I pass this BS test and had a large medical bill that had to be paid. All in all, I'm basically broke until payday.
I plan on staying in Austin after graduation... the good thing is I'm from Austin so most of my friends are here and going to stay here too...
I'm from Austin myself, but I lost touch with most of my friends from the area during college. None of my friends nowadays are from Austin, nor are they here anymore, but ironically enough all want to come back for some reason.
A lot of my friends from HS went to UT so that makes it easy... but ya everyone wants to live in Austin... it just aint as easy to get a good paying job here...

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