OK, here we go...


100+ Posts
We have the QB we wanted, the RB we wanted, the WR we wanted, the 2 TE we wanted, and 3 of the 4 OL we wanted. 3 DE, without Kennard, so I guess he is gone. LB we wanted, and 3 DBs.
We are in a desperate need for DT. We have 3-5 schollys left. Who do we chase now, and is it over until signing day?

McFarland and Walters are who we still try to get for sure.
Who else??
Kirkpatrick, Brent, Pratt, Sentimore, Dent, or Blake?

We need Sentimore and Dent for sure for depth.

Any other opinions??

Rumors floating around that we should be getting 3 commits during spring game. Would expect Mcfarland to be one of em.
Agree on McFarland and Walters. Call me crazy but I can't help thinking we get back in on Shepard ... no real reason just a feeling.
i don't agree with all of that. we need another LB.. perhaps Mahoney. We have 3 DEs, but 1 (Kriegel) may fit better as an eventual DT. Yes we need 3 DTs, so if you count Kriegel, we would need 2 more, and McFarland and Howell would make one heck of a DT class. And that DOES leave room for a 3rd DE in Kennard, who I'm beginning to think we have a reasonable shot at.

Walters would be great.. sounds like he's debating the merits of playing for the home town pirates and school that puts OL in the NFL.. i like our chances.

Kirpatrick is a longshot, and I think it's still an uphill battle on Brent. Pratt in my mind is almost certainly not going to be a horn. Blake would be if Timmons bolts, or if we whiff on more of the above guys that we thought we would. Dent is a likely plan B guy if we don't get Howell and McFarland.. and perhaps still would get an offer if we did get those guys, provided we have the overall room.

No idea on Sentimore.
Kennard is coming in for the spring game as well.

Who are the names being thrown around as possibly commitments over the weekend? Really hope its McFarland and Howell and I know its a long shot but would be great to add Kennard in as well.
Maybe I'm the only person not burning with concern over the DT postion. Don't we have 2 4 star DTs set to arrived this fall in Randall and Humphrey? DTs often play well as true frosh.
you're assuming that both DTs pan out as expected... no.. you're assuming that both DTs will be able to contribute early, which is more than would be expected for both. in 1 year, we'll have:
Alexander - Sr
Ellis - Jr
Higgins (if even back on team), Wilcoxon, Humphrey, Randall - So
2009 guys - Fr

i can't say that i'm happy with that. alexander is undersized. ellis still needs to develop, higgins isn't even on the team now, and wilcoxon is a project. whoever signs in 2009 will have significant immediate PT. the whole dre jones fiasco screwed us at this position.
Kennard had a great time on his visit here and really loved the family atmosphere and the program overall.

Blake has said that if he gets an offer he will commit. Coaches said they wanted to see more of him, so they told him to come to the June camp. He said he'd earn his offer there. I don't think he has even taken any other visits.

Kirkpatrick is also coming to the camp in June so I'd say we have a reasonable shot at him and I believe Kennard is coming as well.

I've heard Howell and McFarland are basically silent commits to Texas but they are just waiting for the mama's to check it out and they want to come for a game during the season.

Both were at the spring game along with Kennard, Walters, I think some other '09 recruits, the '08 recruits and some 2010 prospects
2 four star DT's coming in? that is a good start, but you're going to need more than that. sometimes those guys can't play until they get stronger.
trifecta, seriously, google it or try to find discussions in the past here on the site. google is your friend and this topic is dead until new info comes out.

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