Offer Letters


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I thought this was a pretty interesting look at the different kinds of scholly letters that go out. Before this I had only seen one other offer letter. This kid is hightly regarded..I'm interested in how many more letters he gets b4 he commits/gets tired of posting these.

SI article
great article.

a&m has better letterhead than I anticipated. I thought it would be carbon copied, type written on onion skin.
That is very cool. Thanks for posting.

The Aggies do have a nice letter. The best IMO is Michigan, with their football accomplishments nicely understated and a personal note by the coach. Oregon and Auburn suck.

And come on, I know Stanford is a great school and all, but "the top academic institution in the world?" Give me a break.

Plus how kick *** would it be to have a personal note from JoePa?
okay, i've got to comment on ty willingham's line:

"With your greatness, we know that the Husky football program will return to being the best in the country. The impact that you will have will be immediate and tremendous."

Re: the kid: This must be the next Earl Campbell.

and Washington will return to being the best in the country!
So is Stanford. They call their team The Cardinal and have a giant dancing Christmas tree for a mascot.

Sounds like somebody got into the mushrooms.
It's late, so my eyes could be playing tricks on me, but it looks like the LSU letter isn't even lined up properly. Of course portraying a professional atmosphere hasn't been of utmost importance while Les has been there.
I see what aggies are doing...playing a bit of reverse psychology with him.
^^^ I think the Forcier plastered on the letters is so no one tries to copy one and say they received a scholarship when they really didn't.
I actually just sent my brother an A&M offer letter as a joke. Just grabbed a big logo off of Google, recreated the Aggie Athletics logo, and put the letterhead together in Photoshop. Retyped it in Word (changing out the name, address, etc), and had someone else sign it so he wouldn't recognize my handwriting.

The envelope was the giveaway, though. Hand-lettered (I suppose I could have made up and printed a letterhead style envelope). The postmark still would have been a clue though. Still went over pretty well - he figured out it was fake but wasn't sure who sent it at first. 'Twas funny, though, since he's graduated high school like 8 years ago.
It's interesting how he uses gray to cover all of the coaches' direct numbers except for RR's, for which he uses black. I think this may indicate something.

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