Of all the NFL players to kneel during the National Anthem...

I recognize that there are a lot of people who believe very strongly that the American Flag, our National Anthem and the sacrifices of the US military are not worthy of being honored. Many may believe that they never have been deserving. They have every right to feel that way, though I fervently disagree with it. 4th of July celebrations are not for everybody anymore either. And while not seemingly political to many of us, there is now a political divide in this country concerning the flag and anthem whereas before there was no such divide.

Almost anything can become political if one significant group of people do not respect something or hate it and another large group of people love it dearly. In some ways, there is nothing more American than having the right to publicly demonstrate negativity or contempt towards the flag, the anthem and the military. I agree that no one should be forced to love, respect or even tolerate these things. And I am sure that many would like to see displays of the flag, honoring the military, or playing the national anthem eliminated not only at American sporting events, but in many if not all other venues as well. While I don’t agree that canceling these patriotic displays would be productive, I am also aware that the divide on this type of issue is what the upcoming election is all about.

Maybe it can be said that displays of love of country, always intended to unite, have become too divisive and thus political for many on the left. And many, many might applaud their permanent removal from public gatherings. But I pray that those who advocate cancelling such public displays are wrong and that these things still hold the power to unite, regardless of one’s political persuasion. Disrespecting the flag, the anthem and the military never has, and never will, possess the power of unification.
But I pray that those who advocate cancelling such public displays are wrong and that these things still hold the power to unite, regardless of one’s political persuasion. Disrespecting the flag, the anthem and the military never has, and never will, possess the power of unification.
What if we aspired instead to unify based on a shared humanity rather than arbitrary political and geographic divisions
Not very "patriotic" of me, I know
Really? Their actions have backed up this quote.

“if we don’t get what we want, we’ll burn down this system and replace it.”

Letter to the editor: Things to consider before you support Black Lives Matter

The founders are self admitted trained Marxists. And if you wonder how trained Marxist think and believe:

"Communism, sometimes referred to as revolutionary socialism, also originated as a reaction to the Industrial Revolution, and came to be defined by Marx's theories—taken to their extreme end. In fact, Marxists often refer to socialism as the first, necessary phase on the way from capitalism to communism."

They aren't even trying to hide it and yet you still refuse to believe it.
They would most likely command them all to kneel before Raz Simone.

I personally don't blame the players or the BLM protestors for this. I blame the media.

We have the right to receive accurate information from the media and they continue to release propaganda and disinformation that makes Joseph Goebbels look like an amateur. If I were a 20 year old watching the news I would probably believe it as well.

The truth is the US is the least racist and one of the most diverse countries in the history of the world. We abolished slavery long before Africa did. Racism did exist in the past but it is well on the way to being totally eliminated. We just had a black two term president.

Most of these victims were engaged in criminal behavior when they were shot but the media tries to portray them as normal citizens.

Don't commit crimes, cooperate and don't attack the police and you are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be shot by the police.

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