OBloods picks apart NYT article

the piece is OK, except where Ketch sets himself as the bastard child of Mike Wallace and Tim Russert.

Somehow I doubt anyone is quaking in their boots at the prospect of being questioned by Geoff Ketchum. He's a good guy, but he aint exactly woodward/bernstein.
I think he is right, Mack, Deloss & UT will need to respond to this at the appropriate time - protect the brand.
Not a bad article; he makes many good points. However, I got a chuckle when ketch, of all people, decried the lack of journalistic integrity...he whose entire livelihood is based on conjecture, hearsay, and shameless puffery. He's not a journalist, he's a salesman. In fact, he (his site) has basically given ou the same treatment as the nyt hack gave to us, by asserting that McFarland's mom and granny had received some kind of inducement. They may have, but to use ketch's own argument, these are serious NCAA infractions, if true. Where is the proof? You can't, however tempting, simply chalk it up to the gooners acting in conformity with prior bad acts. You also can't say, "we'd turn them in, but why bother...the ncaa won't do anything about it." Either ou bought McFarland, or they didn't. If you are going to say they cheated, bring it hard, or keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, our crying wolf everytime a big recruit goes elsewhere will begin to fall on deaf ears.
Great article. Within 24 hours of Evans' piece coming out, I wrote straight to the NY Times staff and called out in one sentence the shabby reporting standards and challenged their staff on it.

I'm sure my input is not the only one at the Times desks, and this thing has become much more visible. I'd lay even money Evens is not on their payroll part way into 2009. He's a homer with zero objectivity in his writing, and some kind of ego got to his writing head and this time he went too far.
Ketchum and journalist should never be used in the same sentence unless the words "is not a" are sandwiched between them.

I really wish that dude would pick a different team's jocks to sniff.
and if I were aggy I too would insist that "most" schools cheat.

If I were a cynic I would point out that everytime aggy has been succesful in football (once a generation?) they wind up on probation. If I were a cynic that is.
i think the fact that jamarkus' mother calls her son "j-mac" pretty much sums it up. if i were university officials i would have my lawyers put together a slander claim just so that she is forced to answer some questions.

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