Not a bad article; he makes many good points. However, I got a chuckle when ketch, of all people, decried the lack of journalistic integrity...he whose entire livelihood is based on conjecture, hearsay, and shameless puffery. He's not a journalist, he's a salesman. In fact, he (his site) has basically given ou the same treatment as the nyt hack gave to us, by asserting that McFarland's mom and granny had received some kind of inducement. They may have, but to use ketch's own argument, these are serious NCAA infractions, if true. Where is the proof? You can't, however tempting, simply chalk it up to the gooners acting in conformity with prior bad acts. You also can't say, "we'd turn them in, but why bother...the ncaa won't do anything about it." Either ou bought McFarland, or they didn't. If you are going to say they cheated, bring it hard, or keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, our crying wolf everytime a big recruit goes elsewhere will begin to fall on deaf ears.