Obese handicap parking

If you are too handicapped to walk an extra 100 feet aren't you too handicapped to drive?

Yes the reason ppl in poor countries are thin is because of superior genetics.

There have been 28 ppl in the world that weighed 900 pounds or more, 25 were from the the US. Chew on that for a while.
Im sure that there probably are some people who are handicapped and happen to be obsese and really need to have handicapped parking, but there is one guy in my office who abuses this. He has to weigh 500+ pounds and parks a truck in the handicap parking on most days. On other days he rides a motocycle and parks it there. How handicapped can the guy be if he can ride a motorcycle?
Quote "-as an example, one doesn't have to drink alcohol to live, yet one must eat food."

Yes, you do have to eat to survive. You do not, however, have to eat McDonalds every meal and count reaching for the tv remote as exercise... Obese people are an eyesore at best, a drain on society/the economy at worst...
I am a big "you reap what you sow" person. Also, by today's standards, I'm considered mean. I too get bent about fat people riding the carts in the store or taking the handicap parking. Annoys the hell out of me. And as a person who has spent his entire life in a gym or dojo, I know that people have different genetics. Some people can loose weight easily and for some it is much more difficult. For some building muscle is easy and for others, near impossible. We have different genetics. So I accept that some are going to be fatter than others, etc.

But as was stated earlier, when you look at old photos you rarely see fat people. I've got a collection of over 2000 books, many about history, and it is just so rare to see fat people. That works against "it's hereditary" argument. For a small % perhaps, but that just doesn't seem like the best argument to me. Perhaps I'm wrong. But if nearly all people in our society several decades ago were Not obese, then with all the obese people today, it does not make sense to me to say it is hereditary. I know that of the dozen or so obese friends and family members I have, not one of them works our regularly or watches their diet.

Finally, for the poster who mentioned getting beat up for being fat, screw that. I'm sorry that happened. Jumping someone for being overweight, gay, city slicker, redneck, etc is chicken ****.
If Mark Mangino can stand his fat *** on a football sideline for 4.5 hours, then fatties can waddle to and from a parking lot w/out a handicap sticker or Rascal.
Wolfman, you work with a man that weighs 500 pounds and he rides a motorcycle....... the back fender would have to be rubbing on the tire.

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