I am a big "you reap what you sow" person. Also, by today's standards, I'm considered mean. I too get bent about fat people riding the carts in the store or taking the handicap parking. Annoys the hell out of me. And as a person who has spent his entire life in a gym or dojo, I know that people have different genetics. Some people can loose weight easily and for some it is much more difficult. For some building muscle is easy and for others, near impossible. We have different genetics. So I accept that some are going to be fatter than others, etc.
But as was stated earlier, when you look at old photos you rarely see fat people. I've got a collection of over 2000 books, many about history, and it is just so rare to see fat people. That works against "it's hereditary" argument. For a small % perhaps, but that just doesn't seem like the best argument to me. Perhaps I'm wrong. But if nearly all people in our society several decades ago were Not obese, then with all the obese people today, it does not make sense to me to say it is hereditary. I know that of the dozen or so obese friends and family members I have, not one of them works our regularly or watches their diet.
Finally, for the poster who mentioned getting beat up for being fat, screw that. I'm sorry that happened. Jumping someone for being overweight, gay, city slicker, redneck, etc is chicken ****.