I thought it was pretty decisive.
His plan/ policy does require many other nations active roles.
Today the UK foreign Sec said UK would not participate in air strikes over Syria. Germany also said no airstrikes over Syria.
Jordan's Kingdom officials questions arming 'moderate" Syrians believing they are as radical islamists we the ISIS rebels, pointing out the FSA Brigade Commander said his 'army" cooperating with ISIS and Jabbat el-Nusrah. Jordan feels arming so called moderates is just giving arms to ISAS>
But it is a good thing ISIS is not Islamic.
For sure BO has gotten himself and US into a tough spot.
I don't tink there is any way to cleanse the islamists without also killing many other muslims.
If he takes the years he says it will take all we will be doing is recruiting more islamists.
Is there any answer now?
His plan/ policy does require many other nations active roles.
Today the UK foreign Sec said UK would not participate in air strikes over Syria. Germany also said no airstrikes over Syria.
Jordan's Kingdom officials questions arming 'moderate" Syrians believing they are as radical islamists we the ISIS rebels, pointing out the FSA Brigade Commander said his 'army" cooperating with ISIS and Jabbat el-Nusrah. Jordan feels arming so called moderates is just giving arms to ISAS>
But it is a good thing ISIS is not Islamic.
For sure BO has gotten himself and US into a tough spot.
I don't tink there is any way to cleanse the islamists without also killing many other muslims.
If he takes the years he says it will take all we will be doing is recruiting more islamists.
Is there any answer now?