Absolutely no doubt that he is courting the vote of people who attend church regularly that the Dems have not done well with for many years.
He stated so expressly in the last debate. He stated that Dems gave up on the Christian vote and allowed conservatives to limit the frame of the Christian values vote to abortion and gay rights.
He understands that the Democratic position on Choice is opposed by many who attend church regularly, but he asserts that the Democratic positions on war, economics, health care, Civil Rights, poverty programs, food stamps, the environment, etc are very much aligned with Christian values and he stands ready to fight for the Christian vote.
He began his efforts to reframe the "family values" vote in his 2004 convention speech in which he discussed many of the Democratic positions I listed above and asserted that they represent family values. It will not be easy because the Dems allowed the Repubs to frame “family values” for so long. But it is time to start if we want to win more often.
In the pamphlet, he is also fighting in a positive manner the persistent e-mail false rumors (undoubtedly with Clinton fingerprints all over them) that he was raised as a Muslim, was indoctrinated by radical Muslim teachers in grade school, only recently converted to Christianity, and took the oath of office on a Koran.
I will get concerned if he begins to push that he is more Christian than another candidate, but I don’t think he has even come close to that line yet.