Obama's Accomplishments

Looking at the above list of President Obama's accomlishments, I'd say it is a mixed bag of successes and failures.

As I look back on President Obama's 4 years (almost) in office, I ask myself the standard question -- Are we better off than we were 4 years ago? The answer is unequivocally yes. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to review some newspapers from the fall of 2008. President Obama came into the office with the economy in total shambles. He (together with President Bush before him) managed to avert a total meltdown.

But are we AS MUCH better off as we should be? I don't think so. Over the last 2-3 years, the economy has pretty much sputtered along, not getting much better but not getting much worse, either.

It's hard to say whether the slow recovery is President Obama's fault, President Bush's fault, Congress's fault, the Fed's fault, Europe's fault, Asia's fault, the Middle East's fault, or just plain unavoidable. Probably a combination of all of the above.

To me, this election is less about President Obama than it is about Governor Romney. I don't think Obama is the right person to lead the country, but my gut tells me that Romney would be worse. And his choice of Ryan as Veep has made me more certain of that.

What pushed me from the undecided camp to the Obama camp was President Clinton's point. The economic near-meltdown came from policies that Romney seeks to reestablish. Trickle-down economics doesn't work -- never has, never will. Allowing the rich to accumulate more and more wealth won't fix our economy -- it will break us. We can't afford to go back there, so I'm planning to hold my nose and vote Obama.
^Not to worry - Romney will carry Texas by more than one vote.

theiioftx, he got you to cancel health care coverage for 4,300 employees ... oh no wait, that was complete ******** that was never really going to happen...
You are right Chango. You know more about companies you do not work for than those that do. You should run for office as you either think you know everything or you are simply a complete *******. My hats off to you.
16) Ate a dog. (OK, that was before he ran for president. Let's overlook that and get more up to date.)
17) Endorsed by Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Communist Party USA.
18) Bowed to our enemy leaders.
19) Gave cheap, inappropriate gifts to our ally leaders (CDs).
20) Removed the Winston Churchill bust from the oval office.
21) Successfully hid his college records, law school records, and travel records.
22) Set a new record for number of golf games played.
23) Refused to place hand over heart as is the custom when the national anthem is played.
24) Refused to meet with Israeli leader at a ciritical time in Iran's quest for the bomb.
25) Refused to shake the governor's hand at the airport in Austin.
25a) Shunned by Texas democrat "leaders" at the airport in Austin. Kirk Watson didn't go near the place (he's no dummy).
26) Announced a form of amnesty for youthful illegal aliens.

This is fun! What else?
28) Claimed executive privilege when Congress came knocking for the Fast & Furious records.
29) Charged NASA with the mission of building Muslim self-esteem.
From the House Ways and Means Committee|
The Link

Believe it or not Chango, we are not the only company doing so. It comes down to economics and company survival. You would not understand from your cubicle, but tough decisions are made all of the time.
31) Divided America in everyway possible much further than ever before.

"I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you've earned, but not greed to want to take somebody else's money" Thomas Sowell

Obama Fact. He blocks oil drilling in America, but gives Billions in tax payer money to Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico to drill.

Freedom or Free Stuff? Your choice because you can only have one.

Obama Must Go!

The issue with the economy was already swinging back before the election and we were out of the recession by June of 2009 thanks to the policies of GWB. It is Obama and the Democrats that controlled the House that have kept the recovery from taking full effect.

The reason for the crisis had nothing to do with Bush economic policies, if you believe that you have no earthly clue as to what happened in 2007/2008 and what the X factor was and it's genesis.

More Jobs, more government Revenue and more consecutive months of growth were created under GWB than any other President in history. These are the facts and they are unquestionable.

More jobs have been lost under Obama, government for once in a very long time is actually collecting less revenues and the economy has been sputtering since the middle of 2009 with no end in sight.

For those of you that think the Stock Market and your 401K are doing well, how sad you are going to feel when you retire to learn how much your dollar is going to earn, thanks to President Obama and the Democrats.
The economic meltdown IMO came from:

1) a failure of bank oversight, which is not surprising given the ludicrous task of overseeing highly opaque, fast-moving, and enormous financial institutions

2) a general greed plus a lack of financial sophistication on the part of the American public, many who cry foul now about exploitation but at the time were happily and greedily feeding at the trough of low-interest no money down loans and speculating on real estate

3) a decades long tradition of the federal government rigging and manipulating market which skewed prices and resulted in asset prices quickly outpacing income growth, which in turn required more Americans to lever up to afford that American dream.

Trickle down economics or the strange combination fo neo-Keynsian policy making favored by the Rubin protegees are just different screw drivers being applied when the government tries to change the economic machine.

Government policies pursued through successive administrations both D and R plus lax lending standards create an unsustainable demand bubble, which in turn drove a glut of supply of all sorts of things including houses.

Now we are working through the failures of our government and unfortunately we don't seem to be heeding the lessons we should learn from the recent turbulence.
34) Appointed a tax cheat (Geithner) as secretary of treasury.

IIt's funny how the liberals get quiet when feelings are set aside and the conversation turns to facts.
- 52% more debt
- Gas prices 2x higher
- Nearly 2x more people out of work
- 36% higher homelessness
- 38% higher poverty
- 4.5x more people on foodstamps
- Unemployment above 8% for 44 months, new record
- Young unemployment highest on record
- Minority unemployment highest in 30 years
- Lowest consecutive GDP growth in history
- Energy prices 32% higher
- Food prices 26% higher
- Higher education tuition costs up 25%
- Health insurance premiums up 35%
- Only 47% of our work force full time, a new low
- More entry level jobs than skilled jobs, first time in our history
- Lowest workforce participation rate in 35 years
- 2 credit downgrades, first in our history
- 3 debt ceiling increases in 3.5 years, first time in history
- Home foreclosures up 26%
- Wages have fallen $3,408, first time in over 35 years
The liberals on this board don't even bother to defend the incumbent's record. They prefer to tout polls and attack Romney, and who can blame them?

Hats off to DFWAg, who is the only one who took a run at it.
BO can't coherently defend his record, so how could anyone else do so? It's amazing that no one has blamed Bush. Oh wait - they have.

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