Obama: white people can't dance

The plight of the white dancer is well documented in history books. UT once had a class on it when there was a "White Studies" major.
Are people really getting their panties in a wad over this? White men can't jump or dance. I'm happy to go through life doing the "white man overbite" and looking goofy doing it....I can bust out a ****** "robot" dance every now and again, as well.
I have voted for the Republican candidate in every presidential race since 1988. If a black or white repub had said what Obama did, I wouldn't give a **** about it.

This is stupid-assed bullshittery -- it is a game of pointless semantic gotcha. I don't like it when the Sharpton demagogue-types out there play it, and I think it is infantile in this case as well.

You know, maybe the reason that we always end up with ******, stupid-assed leaders is because we are a ******, stupid-assed people. We get the government we deserve.
this is the funniest thread I think I have ever seen. I can't figure out what is most funny:

1. The notion the its OK to even ask Obama such a stupidass question.
2. The guy trying to stick up for his poor white dancer friends and their struggle to gain acceptance in the dancer community.
3. The people who are trying to infer that Obama is a racist from his answer.

this is so great.

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