Obama tries to stop execution in Texas

And now, I hear that Sen. Patrick Leahy is going to offer a bill that makes it mandatory for police to contact foreign national's consulates in these cases. Of course, doesn't that mean the police will be asking about people's immigration status? We all know that the demos and the UN are vehemently opposed to the police asking about immigration status. This man has been in the country (through no fault of his own) since he was 2 years old. Shouldn't all the Dream Act supporters be arguing that for all intents, he's a U.S. citizen (and therefore didn't need to contact the Mexican Consulate anyway)?

This is just another example of the hypocrisy of the Left.
President Barack Obama is attempting to block the execution in Texas on Thursday of a Mexican man because it would breach an international convention and do "irreparable harm" to US interests.

I would think he would concentrate more on the guns he gave to the drug lords to kill mexican and US citizens.
Interesting, from what I can find that this POS didn't argue he wasn't allowed access to Mexican consul unto 2000, 5 years after he was convicted.

Did he tell the police he was a foreigner?

One last Q
Since Obama is so insistent on obeying international laws will Obama make sure Holder and whoever else at the DOJ was involved in Fast andFurious gets sent to mexico for trial there?
Mexico is demanding Obama turn over those involved.
Foreign nationals are due certain rights by international treaty. We would expect the same for a US citizen in Mexico or Canada or France.
While I am NOT a fan of Obama, and I don't think anyone would call me a proponent of federal overreach, I don't know that it merits that claim in this case. The federal government has a responsibility to uphold treaties it has entered into, and those treaties super cede state law.
I think the guy it a total and utter scumbag. What he did, he did and there is no justification for it. I believe Texas would do well to hold him in prison for life without parole. I bet that would ease the tensions with the Mexican government. I am no advocating a free ride or a 'get out of jail free card.' That would be absurd. Due process is VERY important though, not just for this scumbag, but to protect due process for Americans held overseas. I actually agree with Obama for once that the US has something at stake in this case.
In 2008, GW Bush attempted to stop Texas from executing José Ernesto Medellín, another illegal Mexican alien, who raped/killed two girls in 1993. Bush sent a brief to the SC, but they rejected it. I can't imagine why this case would turn out different.

The U.S. taxpayers have been supporting this guy and paying for his legal fees for 17 years now. I'm sure that must have cost us millions of dollars. It's time to end this thing. He can tell God that he didn't get Consular privileges and see if He cares.
as I understand it SCOTUS doesn't disagree, they disagree that there has been a violation of international law. I am fine with the Obama administration bringing this to SCOTUS, just as Bush did, and if SCOTUS rules not in favour and say there has been no violation of international law, then I go with what they say as the highest court of the land.
I am not disagreeing with SCOTUS, and while opposed to the death penalty, there is no doubt this guy is a guilty SOB and should never again see the light of day. That being said, any WH administration needs to protect the treaties of the US. I think the Obama administration did so. I am not upset that they sent a letter to SCOTUS, nor upset that SCOTUS looking into it and rejected the administration. Seems justice is being served.
I am not someone who normally defends Obama, but come on. If we can't give credit to our political opponents when we can, then we are just less than human. I agree VERY VERY rarely with Obama, so I always try to point out when I do.
As I said, I don't know the technical merits of his argumentation to SCOTUS, but it seems right that he would defend international treaties, and that any US President would do the same.
If this killer had identified himself as a Mexican and the police or his attorney did not advise him he could contact the consul it would be different
But 2 things
this issue did not come up until 5 years AFTER he was convicted. Hard to believe no one thought to explore it for 6 years after he was arrested.

Based on Obama's reasoning since this killer had lived here since before he wa younger than 2 years old he is an American entitled to all our rights, which he got.

Didn't he get the same rights any citizen would in our courts of law? How many appeals did he use? Did he have an attorney for his initial case and for every appeal?

Does Obama really believe Mexican wishes should be complied with ? Will he think that way when Mexico asks for Holder to be sent there for trial?
Do I think this villain should fry? Yeah. But he is a Mexican National and heavily-Catholic Mexico has strong opinions on right to life. If the U.S. has treaty obligations to Mexico, they should be honored. Lord knows we need cooperation with our southern neighbor. Obama is just doing his job.
so NOW obama wants police to ask people they arrest for proff of citizenship?
This outrage from Mexico and Obama is as phony as a cinco de quatro celebration.

IF Mexico is so serious and concerned about any mistreatment its citizens leaching off our government might suffer they would send money to us to cover medical schooling and legal representation.

The killer lived as an American citizen for all his life from under age 2 on and he got the same treatment as any citizen would.
How are police supposed to know if someone is a foreign national?

Most would call a POTUS trying to interfere with a state jury's decision that was upheld through lower courts appeals for 10 years outrageous.

edit to add
Supremes rejected last minute appealThe Link
At least he went out with a little class, apologizing to his family and the victim's family and asking for forgiveness.

His last words were "Viva Mexico, Viva Mexico". Yeah, Viva Mexico. Why didn't you stay down there, maybe a little girl would be alive now!
I think the guy should have been killed- but after due process.

If you ask general, horn67 etc- what would you think about an American in Mexico, accused of murder who wasn't allowed to contact the US Consulate in violation of a significant treaty- I have a feeling the opinions would be different.
Leal was brought to Texas as a toddler. If my math is correct, he was 21 when he committed the crime.
So for 18-20? years Leal was raised under the laws of this state and country, probably attended our schools, worked as a mechanic(I am assuming he had ss# and paid taxes), and enjoyed the benefits of living in Texas. He had no intention of moving back to Mexico and probably would have been just as out of place in Mexico as any other person that was raised in Texas. He wasn't some innocent foreigner that just arrived and didn't know that raping and murdering was a wrong thing.
He knew what the penalty could be for his actions. Responsibility for his actions is exactly what Texas law made him take. What he did deserves the death penalty. He got what he deserved.

Vaya Con Diablo, Leal! You rapist murderer.
Ivan you are right, and yes- common sense does sometimes trump the rule of law. However if we cheat the rule of law- we weaken it significantly so that it is not as effective as it should be when we do depend on it.

I believe an American will be incarcerated or executed in a similar case someday in another country- and examples like this will help make that happen.

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