scottsins 1,000+ Posts Feb 6, 2008 #1 i just figured it out. it has been bugging me for weeks! The Rock. same exact voice.
S SomeMildLanguage 500+ Posts Feb 12, 2008 #4 Yeah, the other day, I thought I heard The Rock giving a speech in the other room.
M MidgetLoverHorn < 25 Posts Feb 12, 2008 #7 he's even got his own catchphrase that the crowd chants like he was opening Monday Night Raw- "Yes, We Can!"
he's even got his own catchphrase that the crowd chants like he was opening Monday Night Raw- "Yes, We Can!"
B bozo_casanova 2,500+ Posts Feb 12, 2008 #8 Method man needs to do a new version of "Know your Role" in a "Yes We Can" style you tube video.
I Increase < 25 Posts Feb 12, 2008 #10 Some videos in this vein are starting to pop up on Youtube. Barack Says The Rock Obama at SC debate Seems like it's waiting for someone to do a really good job with it though.
Some videos in this vein are starting to pop up on Youtube. Barack Says The Rock Obama at SC debate Seems like it's waiting for someone to do a really good job with it though.
A AtlLonghorn 25+ Posts Feb 13, 2008 #11 This thread disappoints me greatly...from now on I'll be expecting Obama to say he's going to lay the smacketh down on Hilary's candy ***.
This thread disappoints me greatly...from now on I'll be expecting Obama to say he's going to lay the smacketh down on Hilary's candy ***.