Obama smacks down McCain/Graham

OK, BI. According to BO in his debate (actually according to Candy Crowley) he called it a terrorist attack two days after the attack. Then the narrative went back to the movie. According to intelligence and military sources, it was obvious by the next day that this was a terrorist attack. And yet 3 days later Susan Rice went on all the shows saying there was no evidence of an organized attack. She is either too stupid to hold the job she has now much less SofS, or she was completely misleading (if you don't like the word lied.). Of course BO went to the UN and again said no film justified an attack on an Embassy.. So he either lied then or he (and his buddy Candy Crowley) misrepresented that he called it a terrorist attack when she verified it at the debate. Whew! It is so hard to keep up with all the stories - no wonder you are having a hard time, BI.
nice recap. one I think even a libertarian could follow.
We will see.
I am guessing that a libertarian would rather obsess on a word than pay attention to the facts and how the BO Admin tried to mislead the country.
What kind of leader does that?

Umm ... One that was President for 8 years that no one here wants to own up to their support for him?
Will you ever get tired of playing the Bush card? Never mind, I know the answer to that. And please give a list of all the intelligence sources that did not think Iraq had WOMD. Can't?? Hindsight is always better.
Lying after something has happened is a bit different.
From yesterday's House Intelligence Committee meeting:

Republican Adam Schiff, member of the panel, reported that Susan Rice's comments on the Sunday after the attack were based upon the CIA's initial assessment. That assessment proved to be incorrect but at the time she provided the best information, the best assessment available at that time.

So it appears that 6271 was incorrect (imagine that) and she was NOT lying. In fact, it appears to me that 6271 was lying about her.

After nominating Sarah Palin to be one heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the world, McCain needs to shut up re: who is fit to do what job.
McCain is a bitter old man who is steadily losing the stature he accumulated over his career. He should know better before he makes public accusations.

does common sense ever enter into your thinking?
There was plenty of evidence out there that showed that within 24-36 hours all thel intel showed it was a Planned terrorist attack.
Bo even tried to say he said it was as well.

There were many people who had involvement that could have and should have made the rounds on the Sunday shows, Clinton, panetta, Donilon, Petraeus< Clapper.
Why wouldn't one of them?
You see nothing to question in that?

So they sent Rice, who as BO has now said had No involvement and I guess she, like you admitted you hadn't, hadn't following the story on the attack where 4 fellow Americans including an Ambassador died
so when asked to go on and say it was a spontaneous demonstration she said, Why sure I believe that and will do your bidding.

This I will give you, if YOU BI truly in your heart think Rice didn't know there was any doubt about the sponatenous demo then in your mind she can't rightly be called a liar
If that is the case she is too ignorant/ oblivious to be secstate
but that then only means BO and his other minions are liars.

You BI keep focusing on that one word and stick you libertarian head in the sand on the chit the BO and his minions it trying to pull.
ah BI
You make it too easy and you really haven't paid attention have you?

the then head of the CIA, Petraeus. said the intel he gave congress is different than what the WH gave Rice
here from CBS
'House Intelligence Committee member Peter King, R-N.Y., told reporters that the original CIA talking points regarding the attack clearly attributed the incident to al Qaeda affiliates, but that the talking points changed after being vetted by several agencies, including the Justice Department and State Department. "No one knows yet exactly who came up with the final talking points," King said. "

and CBS says they somehow obtained the actual intel the CIA gave to Ricew even though NO one who at the CUA actually gave it to her. Notice the Dems remember it differently than do the Pubs adn of course they remember it like BO remembers it
OH wait NO BO said he said it was terrorists.
No NO cover up going on.

So You and Rice seem to not know about the cliaming responsibility made by Ansar Al Sharia only 2 hours after the attack and I guess y'all missed the alQ flags flying over benghazi
of course EVERYONE knows
spontaneous protesters always walk around with heavy weaponry and motars.

I do give it to you that if you believe in your heart Rice had not paid any attention to the story then I can see where you would believe she was not a liar.

So answer this please, Why did BO choose her instead of any of the many people who were actually involved?
But use some common sense and ask what why Rice would do this

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