Obama picks up another Texas hispanic endorsement

That just might be the nail in the coffin for the Clinton campaign. Of course, I don't think anything is going to stop this from being a brokered convention at this point. The question might be how much this will cost Obama in terms of political power.
Brokered convention can be avoided theoretically. Currently the "delegates needed to win" total includes the delegate totals if Michigan and Florida counted. You could therefore argue that those 300-something delegates should be removed from the "total" pool, thereby decreasing the number needed to win the nomination. Seems perfectly logical and straightforward to me. Also, people are suggesting that Obama is going to win Ohio already. If he wins Texas in addition to Ohio, there's no way the convention is brokered. The superdelegates will make him the nominee.
I think Obama can win it even if he doesnt win Texas...as long as he is close and gets a good amount of delegates

especially considering everything else he has won lately and will prob win before hand.
The presumptive Democratic for Congressional Dist. 31, Brian Ruiz, also endorsed Obama today.

Candidate's Website

If the Hispanic endorsements keep coming, where ehy have been reported as being such huge HRC supporters, it can only be a positive for Obama.
Obama can get more delegates, and the correct number, but Hillary can upend him with Super Delegates. It is going to be interesting.

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