Obama Is A Commie

Aggy will be aggy.

But I must ask... is that picture real? Surely Obama's campaign staff have better sense than to hang a Cuban flag and a picture of Che on the wall?

Edit: Video at the link says it was a volunteer office. Not a capital offense, but still pretty dumb.
I doubt Obama will be getting many aggy votes. Heck, aggies probably don't care for any "negro" who doesn't play football or basketball ...
Wow, what a bunch of hicks. It is a good sign for aggy though, that most of them are against this *******. What if aggy actually becomes normal in a couple decades? Who will we laugh at then?

Although as a Obama supporter I would rather that woman take the che flag from the office. Thats the sort of thing you can be all for personally and it doesn't matter, but displaying it in a place like that could cause misrepresentations.
I'm sorry, but this is extremely offensive. What if it was, as some rational aggy pointed out, a KKK banner at a volunteer HQ of some GOP candidate? You'd be livid.

i think most of us on the other thread here have pointed out how stupid it was for them to have that flag.

that's not the issue so much on this thread. this thread is about laughing at the ag's supreme ignorance. the op thought she should be hung or shot! he was throwing the word "negro" around pretty cavalierly.

the thread was a microcosm of college station.

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