Obama Hiding Gun Control Stance in Speeches


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Afraid he will lose some of the love he is getting.
The Link

Obama has been careful, throughout the campaign, to play down the issue of gun control, no doubt mindful that to do so would alienate many of the independent and Republican voters he is hoping to win over.

In fact, in the speech Obama gave immediately after the Virginia Tech shootings last April, he never uttered the phrase "gun control."

Today Obama reiterated his support for tighter enforcement of laws already on the books – such as stronger background checks and enhancing programs to trace the provenance of guns used in crimes. He would also seek to close the loopholes that currently apply to firearms purchased at gun shows.

But asked today about the DC handgun ban currently being reviewed by the US Supreme Court, Obama declined to take a position for or against its Constitutionality but did express broad support for the rights of local jurisdictions to make such decisions for themselves.
who are these people who want no gun control? there must be dozens of them!

to me the real issues are these stupid gun free zones that don't protect anyone except the criminals who enter them with guns blazing, and the gun bans like in washington dc where citizens have been disarmed and can't defend themselves against the bad guys.

Hillary is no better on the issue of gun control. The entire Democrat party is just plain wrong on this issue.

If you don't like the 2nd Amendment, amend the Constitution. Otherwise, stop making/supporting laws that violate our rights.
Be advised, McCain is not a whole lot better.

McCain has seemed to to be generally pro-gun rights in theory, but far too prone to populist politics to be fully trusted. That's why he can always say that he supports the 2nd amendment, and then go defend poorly informed popular causes like the evil black rifle bans and the pesky legal firearm sale loophole.


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