Obama has given Superdelegates $698,200

Don't think I've heard him say he'd change how candidates are nominated but that he would change how a president governs.

There is a difference. You can't change the rules on how to get there unless you get there.
If you are not voting in the Democratic primary then no it is not.

I don't care how the Republicans nominate their candidate. If they nominate one that I like better than the Democratic nominee then I'll vote for them in the general election.
it does have a tinge of unseemliness to it, but it is how the Democrats go about finding their nominee. It's basically the party's business.

How does the Green Party get their nominee? Libertarians? I am sure it is all different. Just the way it is.
Wait until you see what Barack asked for in earmarks in 2005 and 2006 . . .

It will make those bribes to the super delegates seem like peanuts.

BTW, he has refused to release those figures.
Why should we be surprised? He's a politician. Politicians bribe, cheat, and steal their way into office.

Obama shouldn't be so brazen to think he can fool us into thinking otherwise...that's he's somehow "different". Hah!
If someone thinks he is unaffected by corruption in a party to which he does not belong, he is sorely mistaken. The Democratic Party will have members in office in Washington, members with the power to compel Americans with the force of federal law, so how it conducts business is very much all of our business. That said, corruption is nothing new nor confined to one party. Our founders warned about political factions.

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