O-Rings for car engine, Supplier in AusTX ?


1,000+ Posts
Does anybody know of a parts house in Aus who has O-Rings ? I need metric-sized for a small engine part ,no longer available as OEM/new. So the O-Ring needs to be able to take the under-the-hood temps.

Gee, this board is dead.
I'd check with Breed's Hardware, Zinger Hardware, and Callahan's. Also, check with Grainger. Sometimes you don't need a perfect fit as long as it will stretch to fit. Might have to go online. Google lists several potential sources.
Yeah, been to Breeds. The fit has to be eye-ball only, since there is not parts call-out to get the sizing. It would be good for the material to be able hold up in a hot application (in this case, air intake manifold. I can't come up with some other industry except air-conditioning.

Didn't think of Granger... Thanks.
No can do.... the replacement has to be an O Ring. Its an internal part - round, with an indented region - scored around the circumference, which takes a O Ring... about the size of a quarter (its surely a metric measure). Kinda like a putting a bullet in a six-shooter -cylinder, but the bullet casing would have an O Ring installed in an indented region to seal it firmly in teh cylinder.

Update: Finally visited Granger... they have them made w/ the preferred material , also Purvis Bearing.