What I've never really understood is why anyone donates anything to a university, unless you're aligned with them politically and want them to continue to be the indoctrination factory that they currently are. If so fine, may be a better use of your money than donating to a campaign.
Otherwise, they're a state funded education facility, that has terribly lacking oversight (can't lean too heavily on them in you're on the Board of Regent or if you're an elected official, if you want your C student kid to be able to go there).
They waste tremendous amounts of money on high paying administration positions, while more or less relying on slave grad student labor to do the actual work.
They raise costs at a rate 3, 4, 5 or more times higher than the cost of inflation. When I went to Texas in the mid 90's, you could go for 500-1000 bucks a semester, and a quarter pounder combo cost about 5 bucks. Only one of is true now. Why?
So, besides nostalgia in some sort of Back to School with Rodney Dangerfield type of way, why would otherwise smart, financially astute people want to throw their money away by donating to this, or any university?