North Texas Irish Festival - Fair Park


500+ Posts
This weekend.

My wife is one of the directors, and today, we drove through the automobile building in my Highlander. The building is bigger than you think without the displays. It's very cool. I hope you can attend. Admission is free this Friday from 6:00 to 7:00. Go to

Maybe next year we can do donuts in the automobile building before the festival. I didn't think about that until after we left. Shame on me.

Does anyone know how to do "HornFans Rule!" with your tires?

Where is the largest Irish Festival in the U.S.?

Hint: It's not a parade but a festival. I was surprised.

Edit: Dallas is second. I don't like being second.
Whaddaya know. I only knew from living in Chicago so long. There was always talk of going up there, but not Milwaukee on March 17. It's not comfortable outside until mid June.

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