SH- If you are truly interested in a back and forth discussion on this then I would be interested in your response.
At this point in the debate the agw proponents have much, much, much more to lose than the fossil fuel companies in this debate.
First, lets address the fossil fuel companies. There is absolutely zero legislation now or being proposed that would diminish their business model in any of the lifetimes of the execs of those companies. Zero. Their financial incentive in this is meaningless. The only possible industry to get hit is dirty coal and they have been dying a slow death for decades and they make up a tiny fragment of the total picture. By far the most likely replacement for dirty coal is natural gas and the same companies have interests in both. They are going to win regardless.
Making comments about google and microsoft etc is also kind of silly. Those comapnies are in a very unique situation. They are sitting on mountains of cash for one, and they have a client base that WANTS them to invest in green technology. They do it prmarily because it protects their brand with their customers. The investments made so far by those tech companies in green energy should get all of their CIOs fired because the returns, from a purely financial standpoint, have been abysmal. But they dont really care at this point. It helps their other businesses by creating a bond with their customers.
Second, while "governments" dont have a financial interest in agw per se, they do provide vast sums of money for govt research. If agw is a hot poilitical button (and it still is) then dollars will go to research. The scientists that do this research are 100% dependent on those grants. It literally pays their salaries. The scientists have a much higher potential to fudge data because it literally saves their jobs. Think about it logically, who really has a higher financial incentive in this debate- ExxonMobil with earnins of around $30B annually or a scientist that shoved every chip he has into the pot betting on agw who will be back teaching high school chemistry if the funding dries up? it amazes me that fairly smart people will automatically assume a scientist funded by an energy company would fudge data in a heart beat but that the same scientist who is funded by the govt would never ever fudge data when his contniued existence is incumbent on his findings.
Lastly, the reason that their is so much distrust of the agw scientists is because they have drawn the line in the sand so deep that their very careers and reutations are staked to the results. No one is going to admit they were even partially wrong in this debate from the pro agw side because it would discredit their entire reputation and lifes work. As soon as they let the govt corrupt their message and actively joined them in the hype then they had no way of ever going back. They are committed.
I say all that not to insinuate that either side actually fudges data but that the incentive to do so rests much more with the supporters than deniers.
You had accredited scientists and modelers and really smart involved people making all sorts of claims 5-10 years ago and literally none of their predictions have come true.
They were presumably right about the underlying science but just dead wrong as to how to measure the actual affect.