"A zygote absolutely has the potential to be a viable entity" Unless you are trying to change the subject, we are not discussing (independently) viable entities (as if an organism independent of its environment existed in nature). We are discussing whether the OP claim that 'the "scientific community says" that "life does not begin after fertilization."' I have seen your opinions on the matter, but not one single source defining life in a way that would suggest that the OP is correct. Is this how you feel when arguing with anti-CC posters who insert their philosophy into arguments against your science?
"While I don't think wiki is the greatest of sources on this issue" Exactly. You will note that I referred to it as a primer.
"I think a zygote generally meets many of the tests for life" I am glad you think so. "although so do most organs in your body." Of course, most of the organs in my body are living parts of an organism and are of course alive. They do not meet quite as many tests for living organisms as does a zygote because they are not organisms but merely large and organized portions of one.
"As I recall from biology class, we generally classified life as the ability to replicate and organize." Your vague and undergraduate recollection is essentially correct and includes zygotes. I am not sure what value is gained in listing evidence against one's position.
"As I posted earlier, I think this issue is semantics because really what each side is arguing is that the zygote/fetus/baby does not have a soul or spirit that is being killed when aborted." No. Absolutely not what I am arguing here. I am 100% not discussing philosophy, and only anyone arguing against me is introducing it. I am refuting a false claim made by the OP and quoted earlier in my post. I am talking science. I am willing to discuss the philosophy of this elsewhere, but I am calling out a false claim about science and you are apparently defending it. I would think you would be sensitive to such a notion, on this of all threads.