I think what people here want is for Ellison and others, whoever they may be, to begin every speech they make with "I denounce terrorism!" and then proceed with their remarks.
This would also go for any editorial, bill or interview they give. It would be like a greeting upon meeting someone. "Hello Mr. ________, I denounce terrorism!!! How are you today?"
I suspect only something like this would satisfy those who want Muslims to "do more" to condemn it.
I guess after a bombing CAIR could buy TV time or have a press conference just to make it crystal clear that they dont support those actions.
On a related note, since we are a "Christian" country and all, or at least ruled over, er represented by predominantly Christians in D.C., why dont we as a nation simply turn the other cheek when there is a terrorist attack and say "we forgive you for you do not know what you do?"
We like to bash Muslims in the Middle East for fatwas and jihad, and pretend we are so much better than them because they are a so called barbaric religion, but we have killed and destroyed way more than any terrorist has in the name of Islam. We as an assumed Christian country have been SO FREAKIN NOT Christian over the years, it really is laughable that we can sit back and criticize the heathen Muslims for terror attacks and then turn around and bomb the hell out of entire countries, drone attack wedding parties and starve hundreds of thousands with sanctions, not to mention radiate those countries with depleted uranium that will keep on giving for years and years and years.