Nickname for improved DKR Stadium


Someone with more computer savvy than I have should forward this entire thread to that yahoo. His BEST picks are some of the worst ideas I've ever heard. That said, DKR-Texas Memorial Stadium does not need a nickname, and we as fans don't need to go aggy.

I think we ought to call it just "Darrell".

Q. Where ya' goin' to watch the game?
A. Darrell.

See y'at Darrell.

It's kinda friendly, don't you think? Like a nick name ought to be.
We could call it "The Field That You'll Never See If You Are A Quality OOC Opponent".

Secondary Sign: Opposing teams nobody knows sign up here for a mudhole and a giant check.

or we could jsut stick with DKR
In reply to:
The House That Vince Built

That one is in California. Come on you know better.

I'm not so sure. I think Vince BUILT DKR and OWNS the Rose Bowl.
Are the men whose names are on the little bronze plaques still dead? Yes?

It's Texas Memorial Stadium. Period. You don't rename a war memorial after a soft drink, a taco, or even a great football coach.
Slapping DKR's name on it in the first place was a horrible idea. It puts the blood of America's best and brightest that was spilled on foriegn soil as an equivilent with a nice guy who beat a bunch of SWC teams.

It is Texas Memorial Stadium. Dedicated in 1924 as a Memorial to WW1 dead and re-dedicated in 1974 for those of all foriegn wars.

"The house that a bunch of pasty old people who don't cheer and corporate ******** who are too good to sit in the stands with the rest of us built"

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