NFL needs new replay rules for fumbles

Y'all keep saying it was obvious that they were going to recover the ball. It doesn't matter. Inadvertent whistles are part of the game. You can officiate for 50 years and still blow the whistle when you aren't supposed to. He thought it was an incomplete pass. He blew it. He admitted it. That takes more balls than you can imagine.

The rules are the rules and once the whistle was blown, it's in the books. San Diego got screwed, but they still had two chances to make plays to win the game and they didn't.

You can't change the outcome of the game based on a bad call that wasn't even on a scoring play.
Granted the rule was correctly applied. That is why the heading of this thread says NFL needs new replay rules for fumbles.

The call itself was horrible. High school officials would rarely miss that call. Even if he thought it was a pass, how could he possibly have thought it was a forward pass? It's a good thing for my mental health I am not a SD fan.
Not to dwell even more, but the error should be duely noted. Everyone is talking about the gutsy call to go for 2. but had the Hoc not royally screwed the call, it is game over. Not only was that a terrible call live, but the replay can't do anything about it??? San Diego got screwed by a system that was implemented because several games had been decided by terrible calls with no recourse. If the replay can't fix game changing errors (and I do mean obvious errors not judgment calls) then what the hell is the point.

Yes it is over and you can't change what happened, but please, oh please, stop congradulating Shanahan for a good call. He got the W, that should be enough given the circumstances. Anything beyond that is wiped out by the hose job by the officials.
There is 100% certainty that the whistle blowing did not change the recovery of the ball.

It's actually understandable that Hochuli would think it was an incomplete forward pass, because it might have looked like Cutler threw the pass forward and it was deflected backwards by the defensive lineman right in front of him.

But replay should have been able to make the correct call. The ball should have been able to be declared dead at the point where San Diego recovered it. Sure, don't give him the return yards (meaningless in this case anyway) since the Broncos might have stopped chasing him or whatever, but the system is wrong if the ref cannot reverse the indisputably wrong call.

Something like this happened in a game last year (involving the Colts I think) where a guy intercepted a pass near the ground and started running off with the ball on a really long return, but the whistle had blown calling the pass incomplete. Review showed it was an interception so they granted him the ball - but not the return because some of the offensive guys stopped trying to tackle him when the whistle blew.
hochuli is one of the best officials in the nfl. fining and suspending him would be an epic fail. it's not like he pulled an nba style, bavetta or salvatore, who regularly **** things up.

he ****** up, bigtime, took the time and balls to admit it on the mic, and played on.
ttt after the MNF game. Twice in one week an incorrect early whistle that made a fumble call uncorrectable has the potential to change the result of a game - thankfully this time it didn't.