News on new Big 12 tv contract?

Yep, was correct. Add $15 mil for Texas according to the article.

Right, I meant to add that quote but forgot, thanks

".... And when it comes to the Big 12, that doesn’t include the Tier 3 media rights (local rights) that add at least $1 million per school, but add $15 million to the bottom line for the Texas Longhorns (The Longhorn Network). Even Kansas State reportedly earns $4+ million from Tier Three rights, with West Virginia up to nearly $6 million.

But as for the Pac-12, the conference owns the Tier Three rights, so that income is included in the reported distribution figure.

Also, when you figure the Pac-12 made $509 in revenues, but distributed $371 million, that’s a wild $138 million in expenses, which includes the fortune of operating the Pac-12 Network. As the Seattle Times points out, the Pac-12 Networks, which show 850 live events annually across seven feeds, is costing the conference a fortune. And it’s distribution has been suspect, at best....."
Glad we didn't make the Pac-16 leap back in the day. It'll all be moot when the next TV contract negotiations schedule rolls around and the major conferences form their own non-NCAA division with a commissioner and promotion/relegation system. One can dream, right?
Glad we didn't make the Pac-16 leap back in the day

If we had done the original deal, we would now be masters of the "new Southwest Conference", featuring USC, UCLA, ASU, Arizona, OU, oSu, A&M, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska (against Deloss' wishes), Missouri, and maybe Arkansas in a league which encompasses 28% of the TVs in America, but more importantly, 50%+ of the college football watching TVs. ABC was willing to pay a fortune or those rights.
If we had done the original deal, we would now be masters of the "new Southwest Conference", featuring USC, UCLA, ASU, Arizona, OU, oSu, A&M, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska (against Deloss' wishes), Missouri, and maybe Arkansas in a league which encompasses 28% of the TVs in America, but more importantly, 50%+ of the college football watching TVs. ABC was willing to pay a fortune or those rights.

Except it wouldn't have included A&M, Nebraska, Missouri, or the Pigs. It would have been Tech, OU, and oSu making the leap with us, and we wouldn't have the third tier rights, and the TV contract would still be behind the B1G and SEC.

You are missing the relevance of the new SWC, which would include the Southern have of the PAC10, plus the heart of what became the Big XII. This plan was hatched a dozen years before the Big XII existed.

Step one was to send A&M to the SEC, which is wonderful for me to know that A&M to the SEC was a deal driven by Texas long before the Aggies "thought up the idea". Second half was to send Tech to the WAC (now MWC). PAC10 did not want Colorado, so they negotiated for Utah when Majeris was BB coach. Primarily a UCLA & Arizona request.

After a few years, step two was to grab the Southern half of the PAC, plus the plumbs of the Big 8, bring back A&M and Tech to form the new SWC, leaving the new conference with 28% of the national TV market = record setting TV contract.

It also called to the new conference to put out feelers to LSU & Arkansas.

Again, Texas would have kept its Tier 3 cash.

After watching NeinASS totally **** up the Clemson/FSU deal, it stands to reason that those two and GT would have been on the SWC doorstep hat in hand.
how does the B12 Tier 3 $$$ compare to the SEC and B10 Tier 3 $$$?
It doesn’t. SEC and B10 share their Tier 3 within the conference. So, everyone gets the same amount. The payout you see for these conferences includes the shared Tier 3 money. If you want that specific number, I don’t have it for you.
It doesn’t. SEC and B10 share their Tier 3 within the conference. So, everyone gets the same amount. The payout you see for these conferences includes the shared Tier 3 money. If you want that specific number, I don’t have it for you.
So the SEC and B1G TV $$$ numbers include the tier 3 rights and the B12 numbers need to add the Tier 3 TV $$$.
As I recall the Jayhawk Network made serious $$$ and LHN is $$$.
Didn't the Big 12 originally not evenly split the money among all member schools.
e.g. Texas/OU got more, and ISU/Baylor got less.

Did that change to an even split at some point?
It didn't change to an even split until the next-to-last negotiations. Nebraska was pissed off when the Texas schools supported the change because we didn't support it originally.
Glad we didn't make the Pac-16 leap back in the day. It'll all be moot when the next TV contract negotiations schedule rolls around and the major conferences form their own non-NCAA division with a commissioner and promotion/relegation system. One can dream, right?

You might be closer to truth than you think.
You might be closer to truth than you think.

I can seriously only think of maybe a dozen days in my lifetime which I would have been happier than if that scenario came true. It would give the NFL a run for its money in terms of the total dollar amount for a TV deal (although spread out over 60 teams instead of 32).

It could have a commissioner who would be free to do the "Goodell" stuff and suspend players who violate league rules, because colleges would have to agree to that stuff in order to get the $$. The new "league office" could set up things like playoffs, opening weekend power matchups, and which TV slot everyone gets each week. Oh, and how much pay the players can get.

Every couple of years, sucky-*** teams like Kansas could get relegated in exchange for promoting teams like Houston. Schedules would need to be set during each offseason like the pro leagues do now.
Just remember for the past 4 seasons Texas has been one of those suck-*** teams. Leave the relegation out - take the best 96 (8 12 team conferences - no independents; no exception for a religious school in South Bend, Ind.) and be done with it. The remainder either go to FCS or do their own thing.
Texas hasn't been nearly bad enough to get relegated in my fantasy scenario. I'm thinking that it would only be forced upon the bottom 5 percent over a 2-year period, like UIL realignment or something. So we're talking teams that maybe have 0-2 wins over that period.
More like a Roger Goodell,

No, NO, & HELL NO! I already have a gutless, yes man, incapable of making a decision with his cluelessness. I don't want to exchange him for a self-serving, never met a camera he didn't like admirer of the Hitler youth corp. Goodell will destroy the NFL. His clone will do worse to the NCAA dos.
Not Goodell per se, just someone in that role who would be better than Goodell is at his job. There needs to be oversight beyond the existing model, and the NCAA isn't ripe for it.