Can't tell from that. Evidently they're going to play in a dimly lit parking garage this year.
Author Opinion: The Best Uniform in College Football
"When others ask me to rank the best uniforms in college football, I usually try to refrain from including UT’s set on my list. Given my fandom for the team and the obvious bias that comes with it, I’ve always felt that it would be impossible to evaluate them fairly when compared to other schools. While this still might be the case, I’m going to break my usual conventions on this subject, and boldly claim that with this updated set the Texas Longhorns have the best uniform in college football.

The updates to the jersey, though minor, have had an massive effect on the overall look of the uniform. By omitting some of the clutter found on the previous iteration, these new jerseys have a cleaner, more focused look to them. As such, the new shirt does a more effective job at conveying the things that make UT special: the unique burnt orange color and the school’s status as the flagship university of the Lone Star State. While these change were both a safe and an obvious move, I’m glad CDC and athletic department paid extra attention to the details to get them right."

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COLLEGE STATION, TX -- Texas A&M set to unveil new 2022 home uniforms to honor last week’s performance against Appalachian State!
On an unrelated note (my apology; don't mean to hijack thread); just dawned on me, 1 advantage to enjoying the game from the comfort of my living room...I don't have to tolerate Addzillatron assaulting my ears with nonsensical noise for 2 1/2+ hrs.

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