New Jersey Rejects Electoral College

Bottom line we don't live in a democracy. If you want a democracy move some where else.

The ignorance of history and government are pretty amazing on this board.

I for one still wish Senators were elected by State Houses and not a popular vote in each state. Senators should NOT be directly elected.
the United States is not a democracy?

I do so enjoy cute word games by folks who pretend to know what kind of a government we do or do not have

a representative democracy or republic is a democracy

it isn't a dictatorship or a theocracy or a monarchy

from Webster's
In reply to:

Okay, it is a "type" of democracy. Although the founders certainly wanted our government to have many key elements of democracy, we were never intended to be a pure democracy. Representatives are very key to the whole plan. That said, I don't know that the electoral college was ever really intended to be this mindless "all or nothing" representation.
I was born in Montana, lived in Wyoming for 7 years and Austin for 13. I think that Austin should get about the same vote as Wyoming because they have ~equal populations. It isn't fair for someone in metropolitan areas to have disproportionate representation. We aren't even close to a Democracy with our current system. It should be one person, one vote.
You learn something every day in here

Softly. "Recounts aren't actually all that hard to administer, and happen automatically in many states already."

which states have automatic recounts/ do they do it for every statewide election?
maybe all states should do that
if you got rid of the electoral college would states still be able to maintain their own voting laws?

to me it sounds like if this were to happen and another close election occurred there would be a lot of chaos and far more controversy.

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