NCAA will allow players to profit on their name/likeness


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Will players more likely stay 4-5 years in college, particularly if they are borderline NFL if they have access to cash?
This will be used as a backdoor for alums to pay college athletes at open ended levels. I do not see how this can be controlled. I do think college athletes in major football programs should get some compensation, but this is not the way to do it.
What is interesting is these guys are nothing (marketing-wise) without the football uni they are wearing.
How bout them apples ?!?
Nobody knows who they are out of uniform!
Maybe if they are a 3rd or 4th year star...but barely if that.
Thinking of a very annoying Alanis Morisette song right now.
It is ironic....Dont you think??
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Can’t the NCAA require the marketing companies register with them and sort of regulate it?
Taxes on scholarships will likely eliminate 90% of possible players receiving outside income.
If you think recruiting is wild now you ain't seen nothing yet.
Yep. Come play for us and you can better market your name. Our people can help. Marketing channels might get flooded with mass purchases by big cigars. And what about marketing opportunities at small schools in small towns vs that of say, an Austin. There will be a lot more sh- - to sell in Texas markets, and will that impact recruiting?

As I said in an earlier post, this and free agency may be the death of college competition as we have known it, and the NCAA did it to themselves.
Seems like now they(biggest college stars) will need, agents, accountants, marketing managers, etc. Where will it end/go? And as I said above, compliance will be a nightmare if not unenforceable. Also, as rain said above, without the School name these players will not have much value. In other words a lot of their so called value will be related to the school. So, is recruiting now going to become who can market players the best, so they will make more money? This is a morass, which I don't really think anyone understands all the unintended consequences.

Why enrich the politicians? The way to handle it is to let the athlete decide - money for likeness or a scholarship. One or the other. If the athlete says scholarship and then becomes the next coming of Vince Young and wants to cash in - no problem just repay all of the scholarship funds or try the real world.
IF you can get paid for your likeness, boosters can just pay for signed pics at hugely inflated values. No different than when businesses would pay players 4x normal salaries to watch sprinkler systems come on. This is going to be Big Red Sports on steroids. No way would I ever pay to see that. Might as well just watch the pros as this makes college D1 leagues even more than they are. I'm ok with players getting paid. Just pay everyone the same. Oh, and let players go to the pros at any point period. I'm a huge right to work advocate. If you're good enough to play a pro sport at 15 then by golly you should be able to play. Goes for tennis, golf, etc.. This whole one and done is stupid. Baseball rule is much better. Go to the pros if you're good enough, but if you take a scholarship, you owe the school time.
IF you can get paid for your likeness, boosters can just pay for signed pics at hugely inflated values. No different than when businesses would pay players 4x normal salaries to watch sprinkler systems come on. This is going to be Big Red Sports on steroids. No way would I ever pay to see that. Might as well just watch the pros as this makes college D1 leagues even more than they are. I'm ok with players getting paid. Just pay everyone the same. Oh, and let players go to the pros at any point period. I'm a huge right to work advocate. If you're good enough to play a pro sport at 15 then by golly you should be able to play. Goes for tennis, golf, etc.. This whole one and done is stupid. Baseball rule is much better. Go to the pros if you're good enough, but if you take a scholarship, you owe the school time.
You make some good points, but a big difference is the baseball minor league. The NFL uses colleges for their minor league. Your comment on the “one and done” is valid. Get rid of it and open the NFL draft up to high school football players. But require a commitment from those choosing college.

I also agree with small “spending money” and/or work programs, managed by the institution. The kids need a little cash. The downside is the fact that ALL athletes will need to be paid and many athletic programs are already in the red, and that would include football at many of them. Hence, the work program option for those schools.

It appears that the NCAA did not want to do any heavy lifting for a solution and with the possibility of lawsuits, they ran for cover. Thank you CA. What Starts There Will Change the World! Or is that destroy?
I think maybe I will just watch HS football going forward. CFB will turn into the NFL with this first step.
It certainly changes things for me. Maybe if we quit going to the games and watching on TV that will get their attention.

One thing I didn't mention is the animosity this could create in the locker room. What happens if a Johnny Manziel makes 100K a year selling his likeness and the OLineman get nothing for blocking for him? How's that going to play out? It's like did these guys think this through at all or maybe I don't know limits and stuff that have been set. In transparency I haven't read in depth so maybe something I'm missing.
And in all of it I think of all the kids who live fan day now and go through long lines to get an autograph. Gone for the ‘stars’ to sit in a free autograph line. The whole thing sucks.
And I admit I feel more empathy toward the kid who works his butt off to get playing time but only occasionally gets on field and won’t make a penny than anything else, but there are plenty of other ramifications that make me sick.
I discussed the issue with a couple of fellow tax attorneys. Our thoughts are players have a scholarship and this would be income subject to tax along with the amount they receive for a promotion. It's the same as an NFL player getting paid for endorsing shoes, and other products. There is no "tax free" earnings unless provided in the IRCode and regs thereto. State's with income taxes will also want their share. If such a bill is introduced and if it passes to levy a tax on the scholarship as income, the bucks they make could be eaten up in taxes since they don't receive actual money (IIRC they get a stipend for some expenses) for the scholarship portion, only for the use of their likeness, name etc.

Other issue: lawsuits. So the athletes will need contracts. tax, and copyrights attorneys to read and advise them on the use of their likeness, review what the terms of contract, and discuss their federal and state income tax matters with them. And all that's not cheap either. If they hire an agent to make arrangements for them, then that will be extra.

Not going through all of the discussions, but this has the potential to be a huge trainwreck if players run out and sign advertising or promotion contracts with businesses or other organizations, without asking the right questions and conferring with council who practices in the areas of concern.
Mark this day as the end of college football. Now it’s semi pro with unleashed cheating. A few will profit while many will find themselves without college degrees.
Kelee Ringo... Joe Jamail thinks your likeness would be perfect for his law firm's new marketing campaign, He'd like to pay you $100k per year for you to use your likeness in and around Houston/Austin...all the big Texas markets. Once you sign/enroll with Texas, you've got a deal.
From the player perspective, there will be the haves and have nots. If a few guys get “deals” and the rest don’t, this situation may lead to and internal strife. Eventually, this situation moves to paying salaries to players. If there is no cap on payments and players may receive a “signing bonus” the wealthier schools can sign the top players and other programs without the wherewithal, might find themselves signing 2 or 3star players. The top recruits might migrate to the best deals, and eventually, those will be the ones playing for and winning their conferences championships every year.
Alabama has probably already set up and funded an "advertising firm". There'll be a lot of pictures of Bama players in some rag that is only distributed around Tuscaloosa to Bama fans.
Alabama has probably already set up and funded an "advertising firm". There'll be a lot of pictures of Bama players in some rag that is only distributed around Tuscaloosa to Bama fans.

why wouldn't we? it's legal now. stupid, but legal.

do everything you can within the confines of the rules to win.
Stupid, just stupid. I have to wonder if Cal thought they would be able to have an advantage by initiating this first and being alone for a few years? Otherwise I don’t see how they could be so short sided. Who could not see the Pandora’s box this opens. My favorite sport is going over the edge. Well, if I try and take a positive look I will have my Falls free and save a ton of money. Guess there is that.
You could see this train coming a mile away whether Cali adopted it or not. Typical of the NCAA to ignore the issue until someone forced it. They could have slowly adopted a small policy years ago that's not this wholesale players will probably go to the highest bidder crap. I'm not sure how they can regulate this. If the NCAA sets limits will Cali just up the ante until we're back in the SMU death penalty kind of stuff going on?

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