Nashville Sports Radio on Vince

I think what he is doing really benefits UT athletics in that his graduating will help the team graduation rate and bring good publicity to the academic side of UT football for current players and recruits alike and encourage other past players to come back and take care of business. Maybe it's a little leadership from Vince as well as meeting his own goal of graduation. Good work VY.
These guys need to buy into the Vince mentality. He does his things and wins games. Anyone not on board needs to shut the hell up and watch the master do his work.
Whatever the radio station is, someone should e-mail them the link to the video on with VY's interview on why he came back so they can put it on their site. Titans fans should be pissed about their front office, not their QB setting a good example for their own kids.
vince cant do anything in nashville now, the team, players, and coaches will not be meeting until the summer. all the players do this time of year is vacation and work out. they are not studying game film. im sure the offensive coordinator can send some tapes and books of his scheme, that would be about it.
I doubt he is taking 20 hours of classes. The dude probably has plenty of time to practice / lift every day and likely has a personal trainer working with him. Who cares? He can do what he wants to in the offseason. I am sure it is more productive than sitting around eating moon pies, like his running back is doing.
Don Johnson:

Vince has flown some of the Titan receivers to Houston to work with him in the off season previously (on his dime). He can fly them to Austin as well.

Unfortunately, they still suck.
Why go to college when you can learn to chew tebaccy, grow taters and get your sister pregnant afore you get out of the 7th grade? What goods all that book learnin gonna do ya?
College fan bases we think of as generally morons are, on average, geniuses compared to the average fan of all NFL teams, no exception. Its a different universe.