Nashville Sports Radio on Vince


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I live here in Nashville and listen to local sports radio quite a bit. I have been pretty surprised at how upset the local media and Titans fans are about Vince going back to school. I mean I know it is not ideal and of course they would rather him be here, but they talk about it almost daily. If you were a Titans fan (not from Texas), would you be upset?
vince needs a lot of work, imo, but you can't fault someone for going back to school.
i'm sure he's finding time to work on football too, so what's to really ***** about?
Not at all. it is the off season. You can still work out and practice and go to school. I would say him going to school is better than most of the crap NFL players have been doing lately. What do they want him doing?
Most people think he should have enrolled in a local school here. Ok, yes there are some good schools here, but they are not Texas. Why would he get his degree anywhere else? They think he should be getting to know his new OC.
make your loot now. you can always go back to school when you are a multimillionaire and retired at 30 yrs old

or do credits go away after so many years?
I would assume, hope that he is working out daily as well as doing some variation of 7 on 7. He also can afford to bring in a few QB coaches. It is hard for me to think Vince is not taking care of his business.
Can he take these classes online? I think if you are paying a guy millions of dollars it is not to much to ask that he be around in the off-season. He is the QB and he was very average last year. I know everyone on this board likes to blame his supporting cast, but he was mediocre imho.
They've only been out of the playoffs for like a month and a half? They need to STFU and turn that crap onto the front office for sitting on their hands and not signing F/A's they NEED.

Anyone who is upset with another person for trying to recieve or complete higher education needs to get real.
Maybe if a couple of their other players spent the offseason back in school instead of getting in fights at strip clubs, they would have a better team.
VY should be commended, not condemned by these myopic peabrained one-dimensional idoits.
They are upset because they are thinking he could have enrolled at Nashville and used his final year of eligibility for the Commodores since they . . . well, they suck ***.
It was a great decision for him, he said he would do it and he is doing it and it should be no surprise to anyone. He has expressed that is is extremely important to him to accomplish this. We are so happy he is here at home and continuing to be the great role model that he is.
Let's see go to school or be like Pacman jones. Tough question.
Fisher has always been a big proponent of his players getting away from football and the limelight for a while and resting their bodies and minds during the offseason.
Its hard to be critical of a guy who is doing what he's doing.

That said, he can't do everything in Austin that he could do in Nashville. Like spend the off season throwing to his actual WR's.
Hell he is throwing the ball everyday to much better receivers down here than he would be throwing to up there. I would not be concerned with Vince but with the front office of the Titans.
A QB in the NFL between his 2nd and 3rd year has a lot to learn. I don't think you can spend enough time looking at film when you're in that position. Add in the fact that you have a new offensive coordinator and I think there's plenty to do in the offseason.

While very commendable, attending classes in the spring semester of 2008 isn't advancing a QB's NFL career. I love VY, but if getting a degree was so important he could've stayed in school. His focus should be 100% on the Titans right now, IMHO.

Fire away!!!
They shoudl be more worried about what Lendale is eating. That mofo is fat. no way around it he is not in shape and is fat. Vy wil lbe fine. Yes he needs a lot of work and has a new OC, but has anyone ever accused VY of not putting in his work? He will get it done.
he should've just finished up in school rather than declare if it is that important to him. he was still gonna be making a lot of money a year later, barring injury. i realize a lot had to do with being a houston Texan too.

either way, fans need to shut up and be glad he isn't a pacman type of person. ******* tennesseans.
This is really an issue? Me thinks folks in Nashville should pull their heads out of their asses and turn their ire on the front office which has done more (less) to harm the Titans next year than a serious, competitive guy sitting in a classroom.

Seriously, Joe Six-Pack should get a ******* clue.
Mercy, I am beginning to believe there are a bunch of idiots in Nashville. I do not remember one ill word said when Emmitt Smith took classes to finish his degree while he was a member of the Cowboys. All I remember are a lot of accolades and positives for him working on completing his degree.

I guess they do not understand Vince will be able to use the state of the art training facilities at UT. What is the problem or are these fans really this stupid?
It's pretty unbearable to listen to Sports Radio up here sometimes. I think they see Vince as the guy who had the incredible game against USC in the Rose Bowl and that's it. They expect him to just come in and save the day. These fans didn't see the vast improvements Vince made from his Freshman year to his Jr year while at Texas. They don't understand the competitive heart that Vince has.

I agree with most of you...The Titans have a lot more to worry about than Vince getting his degree. Who knows, maybe getting out of Nashville is exactly what he needed.
In order to graduate, your last however many hours (maybe 30-40?) must be spent in residence. I don't think he would have been able to take distance courses and graduate at this point.

As for those who say he should have stayed if he wanted his degree...VY grew up in the GHET-TOE. His stock wasn't going to go anywhere but down had he stayed another year. I would have loved for him to come back and wax college football's *** for another year, but by leaving, he took care of his family FOREVER. The risk of getting injured, however unlikely, might have meant getting NO shot in the NFL and having NO money for mama and sisters. It's a lot easier for us as fans to what-if and say that we would have stayed. If put in his position, I doubt any of us would have stayed.

If anything Vince does is wrong, I don't wanna be right.