4th, I nearly laughed out loud reading your post.
I have a friend and we talk about the platform we would run on. This is basically the platform:
pro-education, anti-poverty, pro-strong economy, pro-health, anti-disease, pro-peace..... I could go on, but I hope you get the picture. NO politician is going to fix healthcare, end a war, or change the economy. If you think that is going to happen with ANY candidate... well, I just don't know what to say. Here are some more specific comments on your thoughts below.
Make the two parties work together (he did it on the state level in Illinois, and is the main advocate for it in the Senate)
Wasn't this one of the things that George W Bush was supposedly famous for in Texas? He even got Lt. Gov. Bob Bullock to basically say he didn't care if Bush as a Repub won the Governorship. Hacked off the Dems pretty badly with that comment.
-Unite the Country (He has Republicans publicly supporting him) Can you name one? I haven't seen a Republican who has publically supported Obama. I have seen Lieberman on the platform with McCain and I still have no faith that a McCain Presidency would do anything to stop the animosity between parties.
-Fix the economy (He has a good economic history, and I believe that his plan for the economy will work. Plus, when people are confident and enthusiastic in their president it helps the economy a little on its own)
How young are you? Have you taken an economics course? NO president runs or controls the economy. Carter didn't cause a recession, Reagan didn't bring prosperity. W. didn't cause the price of oil to go up.
-Cut taxes for middle class families (& hopefully cut corporate taxes while raising taxes in the top bracket, which will encourage corporations to reinvest profits in the company)
I could be wrong, but I thought that most Dems saw Corporate America as a great evil and would never consider cutting taxes on them. I also know that as someone who makes less than middle class status George W. Bush cut my taxes and Obama has consistently opposed those tax cuts.
-End the war (By the end of 2009 per the man himself)
No president should end a war, just as no president should start a war.
-Fix health care (his plan makes an incredible amount of sense, and will even encourage private insurers to become more efficient and less costly. Once this is done, America's people will essentially choose via the free market whether to move in a direction that would provide an opportunity for single payer or to keep an improved private system (Obama wants to institute a system similar to what members of Congress get, where nobody will be denied, so nobody is stuck without. Taxes would not be raised, as people would buy it individually. If the government system proves to be far better than what private insurance can offer, then a switch to single-payer might be an option to streamline it. However, if people choose private insurance, then we will obviously keep private insurance).
I remember so well that HRC was going to do this in 1992. I remember every politician saying something about health care for decades. No one person will bring together all of the entities on healthcare.
-Fix education (You just need to look at his website, because he has many things that he wants to do)
What part of education is he going to fix? The part of our education system that has the LEAST government involvement (Colleges and Universities) are by far the best part of the American education system. LESS not MORE government intervention is the opposite of what Obama proposes.
-Make the government transparent to end government lying (See website>issues>ethics)
Again, this issue goes beyond the President or even the Executive branch.
-Balance the budget (and be only the second president in modern history to accomplish that. See "fiscal" part of website) I assume you don't see that often times what a person wants to do as President and what power a President has to effect change are not the same. The Congress sets the budget for expenditures last I checked. Not the president. Trust me, I am for a balanced budget, but I don't see either party getting there.
-Get young people more involved in politics
yes, more underinformed naive ones voting for the 'inspirational' candidate. Sounds like a winner to me (SARCASM)