Getting back to the OP, and away from this insanity which I (mostly) have apparently incited, what THEU said is correct and I think it's worthy of a discussion on West Mall (or Quack's) in itself. He said "You and I might agree that the debate about which 'religion' is most brutal are the religions of 'communism' and 'capitalism'." Of course, like I said, my only nitpick is the redundant effect produced by separating "capitalism" and "communism" in the context that he used the terms. Nonetheless, he (at least I believe) is correct in accusing them of having "a history of brutality and has seen humanity as an means to an end." And borna_horn is correct when he says "Muslims are not inherrently violent." No race of people has some sort of inherently violent trait. The only entities that have inherently violent tendencies are institutions that "see humanity as a means to an end," namely nation states.