Muschamp the recruiter?


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The announcement yesterday got me to thinking about the recruiting side of being the head coach. Any word on Boom's prowess as a recruiter?
It's like 3rd and 2 at the goal line with Cody Johnson running behind Roy Miller...
When Jimbo Fisher was tabbed as the "Coach in waiting" at FSU with Bowden, how did college football fans and media take it? Was it just last year? It has been a while, and I don't recall much about it, perhaps some of y'all may know. Actually I have a few questions....

Was Jimbo Fisher a pretty hot commodity ala Muschamp?

It seems to me that after Florida State's dominant run through the 90's to early 2000's, recruits started going to Florida and other schools. Did the Fisher move occur and create a boom in excitement with the FSU program? If it did, then is the momentum created still happening?

FSU's current 2009 rivals team ranking is at #5
in 2008, their class was #9
in 2007, they had the #21 class
in 2006, their class was huge... #3, just a couple above ours.

I believe FSU came to these terms with Fisher in December of 07', has it helped FSU?

I guess what Im asking is, will the Muschamp "Coach in waiting" thing bring initial excitment, then maybe taper off as Mack continues to coach, perhaps even for more than 3+ years?
FlaSt was slipping since Mark Richt (off coor) left for Ga. I would think they did that as insurance they wouldn't lose their other proven commodity (fisher). Ihave no idea if they would do it again today. Fla is really dipping into their recruiting pool and nationally they're no longer the "must visit" school (ala USC)
It may turn out that Will's reputation which he can further awhile a DC here, will give a leg up. If he can put a proven consistent defense on the field, and that defense gain a national reputation and be a part of championships... hell, a lot of the weight he carries as a recruiter will be done.

Listening to him speak, he has the right sound of voice, the looks, the personal appeal, that I think goes a long way. He speaks straight, is sincere, is no funny business, speaks directly from strength of conviction and having "done it."

Remember his own personal story of what he came through playing at Georgia and ending up a Captain. That will sit will with high school players. They all know guys who found a way to make it, and being a captain is a great sign of respect.

The 13" steel rod will soon be well known. But overall, winning and winning the way he will do it, should provide a Rock of Gibraltar as a recruitor.
I think that the question is a very important one.

It seems to me that in Texas there are three factors to being a good recruiter. First, having a first class program. Muschamp will have that. Second, being able to play ball with and win over the high school coaches. Third, being able to sit in a living room either in west Texas or south Dallas and convince Mom and Dad, or aunt and unckle, or grandma that their football player should come to Texas. I don't think anyone has really addressed #2 and 3 yet.
Texas has the kind of program that, as long as the head coach doesn't screw up his relationship with high school coaches here, will always recruit well. Muschamp is gonna have the chance to learn under Mack, the best in the business at recruiting, and being CEO of a major college football program. Muschamp's shown no signs of being slow on the uptake, so the answer is...things look good when he takes over for Mack. Nothing's a given, but there's nothing to indicate Coach Boom won't get it, if he hasn't already.
Knowing that MB had a big part in naming his successor and knowing how much MB values recruiting, I'm sure he has confidence that WM can recruit at a high level.

IMHO, one of MB's biggest tasks over the next few (several) years is going to be training WM how to be a HC. I'm not talking x's and o's, I mean how to deal with the press, how to recruit, how to hire assistants, how to build and maintain relationships with HS coaches and all the other things that happen off the field.
This is exactly what they are talking about when Will says he is not ready now and he will be watching and learning from Mack. Recruiting, the finer things. People forget or just don't know all that comes along with being the head man v. being a OC or DC, maybe even a positions coach.

It is not cut out for everybody and nobody is a lesser man for not being able to do it. Just not everybody's cup of tea. But Mack knows quality when he sees it and I trust him. He obviously has confidence in WM or this decision would have never gone past initial thought, much less developed to fruition.

With some fine tuning and learning the finer nuances things will be just fine. Besides, Mack will be nearby in some capacity or another, bank on it. This still amazes me and sits very well.
The nuances are indeed the key. Coach Boom's remark during the presser about how Mack never says the wrong thing was quite telling. Muschamp's fiery & you can see him biting his tongue during interviews from time to time. I'm sure no one knows better than him as Coach Youtube that he needs to polish up some of those skills. Not that he'll ever get to Mack's level--that's something very, very few people are born with--but I'm sure he'll absorb as much as he can from the master.
I have two things on Mus and recruiting:

- The consistency in coaching this ensures over the next 5 years is going to be a huge huge thing. He can sit in that living room, look him and his family dead in the eye, and virtually guarantee that he's going to be there for that kid for the full tenure. HUGE.

- Secondly, he gets me so fired up I wanna run through brick walls for the man. I'm certain he can recruit.
recruiting is such as huge part of the job that he wouldnt be where he is, let alone where he's going to be, if he wasnt real good at it
It's a tough transition to go from coordinator to HC. Today, pure football coaches (Xs and Os guys) can't make it as head coaches because the position now is basically being a CEO and trying to keep 20 year young men in line.

Having said that, I think the best example of a fiery defensive coordinator making it as a head coach is none other than Bob Stoops. Recruits see his passion and relate to that...yet he knows how to handle all the other stuff that goes with being a head coach. My opinion is that Muschamp has the potential to be a combination of the best of Mack Brown and Bob Stoops and I'll take that anyday!

Now you can flame me for bringing up Stoops.
Texas has an in-state recruiting advantage to start with, reputation goes along way when recruiting position players and he will be tutoring under one of the best for several years. So I would think that Muschamp should do just fine as a recruiter. He should be able to even add something from the SEC experience he brings and maybe pull a few out of Florida.

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