Murder in Oklahoma

I had a conversation with an acquaintance of mine regarding these two incidents and he was hesitant to consider them as racist, or hate crimes. He felt that it was more about having no reason at all, than anything to do with race. I guess "no reason" isn't the correct wording, because even a senseless crime has some underlying motive. Perhaps the "thrill killing" scenario is what he was getting at in both instances.

I certainly don't know what was in the minds of these young thugs, but I am compelled to consider the following question: If the jogging baseball player and the elderly veteran were black, would they have still been targeted by these kids?
As a veteran, I can't express how disgusted I am. A victim of senseless violence is always special to someone...a spouse, parents, friends. They may not have accomplished anything in their life, but they're still someone's loved one.

Delbert Belton wasn't one of these. He was special to all of us. Delbert Belton was an 88 year old Marine who was awarded the Purple Heart at the Battle Okinawa. He, and the few WWII veterans left, are national treasures. He had more genuine Honour than 95% of the men walking this Earth right now. And how does he get treated? He's freaking stomped and beaten to death outside his favorite pool hall.

No hyperbole in the following...Americans should be enraged.

Semper Fidelis
It pisses me off to no end. However, it will only piss off 50% of Americans and a certain percentage will find a way to justify it due to their poor circumstances. Rome is not too far a way.
The facts seemed to indicate Travon was shot while sitting on top of his killer who feared for his life. That is surely the same as these two other killings mentioned in this thread, regardless of race.
I'm left of center in this forum, but I think this is an intolerable crime and if the perp is convicted and sane, I hope he never sees the light of day.

As black leaders, does anybody think Sharpton, Jackson and Obama have special responsibility in the Oklahoma murder or the assault on the elderly veteran? Personally, I can't make a logical case for it, but Fox News seems to think there is some angle there. Is it logical to expect Obama to know about and comment on every horrific crime with special responsibiity in instances of black on white crime?
It won't be long until one of these black leaders and/or the NAACP comes out decrying the fact that the teen in the Oklahoma case who looked the least like Obama was only charged with using a vehicle to facilitate the discharge of a weapon and accessory after the fact of murder in the first degree, while the two teens that bore a greater resemblance to Obama were charged with first degree murder.
^Gov. Fallin has called out Obama to comment on the murder - The Link. It will be very interesting to see if the Divider-in-Chief responds.

According to the FBI, for every one white male rape of a black woman, Black Males rape a white woman 115 times. Also 2% of the population is black males from ages 15 to 45 years old in America. That 2% has a murder rate of 52% of all murders in the US. It's not racism to point out facts. Instead of going after the real problem, it's much easier for the left, race baiters, and main stream media to ignore what is really happening point to discrimination from the white population.
Yes, Larry and HHD, but you've got thousands of kids who will never get good parenting, and neither will their kids, or their kids, etc. and their parents didn't have good parenting, either. Multiple baby daddies who give their semen but very little else. No real interest in or support of education as a way to change their circumstances. Prostitution and selling drugs are the easiest way to make money, although the more kids you have, the more $$ you get from Uncle Sam, which is quite the incentive.

I don't see any real solutions to this, even if our elected officials had the guts to address it and try to end the cycle. But they have the incentive to keep people as dependent on government as possible in order to secure their votes.
You're right that there is no real solution. Taking away government handouts away will certainly be cheaper but it will not raise their standard of living or motivate them to do more. Look at the countries that do the least in terms of welfare type programs. There are massive, dangerous slums with terrible living conditions. I'm not suggesting that we keep paying people to do nothing, its a resource drain, but a lot of people would still rather be really poor than to work hard for a better standard of living.
It's hard to beat Santa, but what do the dems/libs expect to do when no one is left to put the goodies in his bag?
Not sure, but I can tell you there was a big shift after Katrina at our schools. While people can debate the school recognition system, schools that were consistently exemplary or recognized in my region all but stopped making this designation in 2006.

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