Mueller Report Finally Released...

Every time I watch Beta I get chills and not of the tingle up my leg kind.
It is chilling to see so many people seemingly enchanted by his kum by yah without ever asking what the heck he means?
Beto is nothing but propaganda. I have a lady friend I've known for years. She is an artist, attractive and just a real angel. And she loves Beto. Beams about him. Her entire being is about goodness, kindness and that's all she will ever be about. There is no way a Republican could ever reach her. And I think her type, the classic bleeding heart, has made waves now as the ripples of an artist who only wants to help others has become a political force that can be described as moral imperatives. This has been seized upon by AOC as there is no standard of accountability or logic that is required; instead it is a way of living and they want our government to reflect that way of living no matter the consequence. The national debt is no longer relevant (see Modern Monetary Theory). To speak in terms of cost is to be seen as a soulless bastard.

It is part anarchy (open borders) and part wealth redistribution (green deal, reparations) and the whole is vote buying.

The Democrats have seized upon this strategy and nice people like my friend (and the whites who voted for AOC) are all in.
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Her entire being is about goodness, kindness and that's all she will ever be about. There is no way a Republican could ever reach her.

And this is all about framing. Liberals are usually framed (by themselves and by media) as nice, caring people whether they are or aren't. Conservatives are framed as callous, out-of-touch jerks whether they are or aren't.

I got a feel for that way back in 1992 when I was new to politics. Even though he was one of the most self-centered people in politics and lived basically for his junk, Bill Clinton was framed as a caring, guy. "I feel your pain."

On the flip side, George H.W. Bush was a very decent guy with a big heart. However, was framed as an out-of-touch prick who didn't know how much a gallon of milk cost (as if Clinton had bought a gallon of milk in 20 years).
Everything is encapsulated in the gender subject. It is not good enough to be kind to people and leave it at that. No, instead it is to redistribute normalcy and combined with intersectionality, the cisgender (read: white) majority are the oppressors so it is all hands on deck so the Left can piece together the fragments of the oppressed into one powerful political force.
And this is all about framing. Liberals are usually framed (by themselves and by media) as nice, caring people whether they are or aren't. Conservatives are framed as callous, out-of-touch jerks whether they are or aren't.

I got a feel for that way back in 1992 when I was new to politics. Even though he was one of the most self-centered people in politics and lived basically for his junk, Bill Clinton was framed as a caring, guy. "I feel your pain."

On the flip side, George H.W. Bush was a very decent guy with a big heart. However, was framed as an out-of-touch prick who didn't know how much a gallon of milk cost (as if Clinton had bought a gallon of milk in 20 years).

It is the tactic of last resort when your values cannot sway others. They also say religion and/or patriotism is the final refuge of the scoundrel. It becomes over-simplified ("whether they are or not") and becomes you are either for me or against me. If you cannot make a Catholic vote pro-choice then you must make that Catholic believe they are voting for Hitler because Hitler to the Left is worse than aborting a viable baby which is not bad at all to them. So you must make someone feel as if they are supporting a monster and if they change their vote they have then handed the power over and in doing so will open the door to another Sotomayor which is the path to Liberal change as they know the amendment process will impede their progress.
Her entire being is about goodness, kindness and that's all she will ever be about. There is no way a Republican could ever reach her. And I think her type, the classic bleeding heart, has made waves now as the ripples of an artist who only wants to help others has become a political force that can be described as moral imperatives. This has been seized upon by AOC as there is no standard of accountability or logic that is required;

And what makes this bad is that there is no requirement or compulsion to follow up. Are these people actually DOING good things? And are those good things WORKING? As long as the message is positive and sounds caring, it's "out of sight, out of mind" and I can go back to my life content that I am good and that I have approved "good things." So whether those things worked or not is irrelevant to me, unless it is reported widely in the media that something bad happened as a result. You start to see the issue here...
And what makes this bad is that there is no requirement or compulsion to follow up. Are these people actually DOING good things? And are those good things WORKING? As long as the message is positive and sounds caring, it's "out of sight, out of mind" and I can go back to my life content that I am good and that I have approved "good things." So whether those things worked or not is irrelevant to me, unless it is reported widely in the media that something bad happened as a result. You start to see the issue here...

Yes, the issue is virtue signaling all over again. Virtue without accountability for spending other people's money. Give the government the power. Trust the politician. There is no thought about the economy or the finances of the federal government and maybe the Republicans are at least 50% to blame because of their mixed signals concerning the deficit/debt and their apparent bias towards corporations.
Yes, the issue is virtue signaling all over again. Virtue without accountability for spending other people's money. Give the government the power. Trust the politician. There is no thought about the economy or the finances of the federal government and maybe the Republicans are at least 50% to blame because of their mixed signals concerning the deficit/debt and their apparent bias towards corporations.
A lot of these women work in education, healthcare, government, etc that don’t require a rip-roaring economy to get ahead. If they are never going to be to rich, why not be nice instead?
A lot of these women work in education, healthcare, government, etc that don’t require a rip-roaring economy to get ahead. If they are never going to be to rich, why not be nice instead?

I would say we all should be nice. But being nice as a political philosophy that defaults to wealth redistribution without consideration of the economy or an immigration policy that creates an incentive for numbers that will burden our nation while forgiving the nations that refuse to care for their own is anarchy in my view. It completely abdicates personal responsibility and allows the virtue signaler to proudly exist as an activist saint while passing on the burden to some faceless entity that will absorb any and all hardships to the existing union.
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Why do the Dems and MSM keep promoting a candidate with no accomplishments in life? It worked for them to get Obama elected, but he turned out to be a disaster as President. It’s one of those “fool me once situations.”

Outside of Beto marrying a really rich woman, can anybody name a life accomplishment that’s worthy of mentioning?
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FWIW, if what you care about is proof the President of the United States colluded with Russia, then has long been video/audio of it as it happened
But that's not really what you care about, is it?


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