Moving screen

Man this thread got off topic. I was complaining about this to my wife during Game 4 and 5. Then I had to expain a screen vs moving screen. West and Chandler are very obvious in the way they do this.

It's not as obvious on a pick and roll because of your positioning at the top of the key. You are usually rolling into a position to set the pick and then you turn to face the basket for a possible kick-out or driving to the lane for a rebound.

West and Chandler don't even look like they're getting into an offensive position and they're usually setting the moving screen sliding from top to the bottom of the box.
Yeah, Yeah- everyone does moving screens. Great arguement. I don't even notice it very much with any other team, including the spurs but the way the hornets do it seems a little more blatant to me. When someone sets a high screen the pick man essentially blocks out whoever is being picked and keeps moving him out of the play so that the defender is never able to get around it. It's more than the usual "roll" from a pick and roll because they engage someone and never give them the opportunity to get around and get back in the play. When the spurs, or anyone else for that matter, do it, they move until they pick guy but all they do is screen- I don't ever see them completely block someone out of the play so they defender can't recover.
Toxic - actual explanation, in basketball terms, of what he thinks is happening.

Montag - essentially "I'm right, you're wrong, and wow, you're ridiculously wrong"

Not hard to see who won that exchange, even though I'm not sure if I agree with Toxic or not.
The point is, regardless of any moving picks the Hornets do (and they do to some degree), the very idea of Spurs fans seriously,without one iota of irony, criticizing any other team for moving picks, getting out right indignant over it is high comedy. I'm not trying to win some silly debate over it. It's just funny. They are attacking one of the foundations that Pop and the Spurs have used to win their titles. It's ludricous and deserves notice and derision.
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, Montag, but the Hornets have set more, and more obviously blatant, moving screens in this series than I've ever seen in one series before. I saw the thread title a few days ago and immediately knew what the thread was about without even having to open it.

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