Morris: Clinton's Racial strategy

You posted., "Bill Clinton is following the Rove play book precisely'
how funny.
The Clinton machine had a perfectly good dirty play book long before Bush ran for Gov. that is not to say Rove didn't have his own but it is silly to say Clinton needed to learn anything from Rove

Those of you who disdain Morris's article are missing the facts before you. clinton machine is using the race card early and often.
OR are you denying that as well?
You know, as a Republican I want my party's candidate to win in November. And I think Obama would have a better chance of winning in November against any of the current Republican candidates. So I should be for Hillary.

But the more I become reacquainted with the Clinton political machine, the more I think that I need to support Obama, just to prevent Hillary from having any chance of winning in November. While I think Giuliani, McCain, or even Romney would wipe the floor with Hillary, there's a chance that they wouldn't. And I am quickly concluding that a Hillary Clinton presidency would be disasterous for the country.

I'm just tired of both the Bush and Clinton families, and I'm ready to vote for anyone outside those two clans.
austintexas- you need look no further than the continued contributions of our GOP breather on the BBS to see who is fanning the issue of Race.

It's fun to see the attempts of the party that has a presidential offerring exclusively of white males so concerned about the issue of race.
I also enjoy the repetitive nature of the production of the straw man again and again regarding the Clintons interjecting race into the campaign... it's actually beginning to get entertaining for me to watch the grasping of straws by the supporters of white males only for President party....
When did Bill Clinton become a straw man? Read the paper, turn on the TV, log on to the internet. He's the #1 propagator of race in this presidential election, a feat not easy to accomplish, considering there is a black man in the race.

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