More wikileaks!

Here was CNN back in early Jan
Fake news?


Will CNN now quietly retract in light of Wiki (ala the NYT)
The CIA’s Remote Devices Branch‘s UMBRAGE group collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques ‘stolen’ from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation.

With UMBRAGE and related projects the CIA cannot only increase its total number of attack types but also misdirect attribution by leaving behind the “fingerprints” of the groups that the attack techniques were stolen from.

UMBRAGE components cover keyloggers, password collection, webcam capture, data destruction, persistence, privilege escalation, stealth, anti-virus (PSP) avoidance and survey techniques.
"Spying tools and operational protocols detailed in the recent Vault 7 leak have been used in cyberattacks against at least 40 targets in 16 different countries by a group Symantec calls Longhorn. Symantec has been protecting its customers from Longhorn’s tools for the past three years and has continued to track the group in order to learn more about its tools, tactics, and procedures...."

^^^ Hillary can blame anybody and everybody and she did that yesterday at the "Code Conference" in California. She blamed:

the DNC (no money, no help)
Scott Walker of Wisconsin (voter id law blocked 300,000 Hillary supporters)
Trump (directed an army of 1000 Russian spies against her)
the Comey "attacks" on her
The Media (covered server scandal like "it was Pearl Harbor")
Women who voted for Trump
you sitting there at home
The Democrats are a mess and Hillary was the worst candidate in history.
I'm a Dem and i kind of agree with that. I think Hillary was probably the most prepared candidate in modern history and I think she would have been a good President compared to our alternatives as she would have put some good people in place. But, she was all but unelectable. It was like running Switzer for Senate in Texas. They had no sense of that feeling around the country.
The CIA created the idea of fake news to get Putin elected in 1999.

The KGB was into propaganda much before that but the term "fake news" was invented by CIA. Think about that and the last 2 years.
The CIA created the idea of fake news to get Putin elected in 1999.

The KGB was into propaganda much before that but the term "fake news" was invented by CIA. Think about that and the last 2 years.

I suspect fake news existed during the time of the Great Tulip Collapse in the 1630s in Holland

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