More on Scott Situation

As I learned from the Clemens tape thing, apparently you can tape certain conversations that are admissable in a court of law in certain states. But I'm not an expert, so someone else needs to verify this.
IF this turns out to be true, this is more disappointing to me than perilloser. perilloser was just a douche. IF the scott stuff is true, we're talking about very dirty stuff. nothing pisses me off more than liars and cheaters.
It's only sour grapes is we lost Scott fair and square and Mack was pissed and made a request to the NCAA to look into the situation. If they are taking recruits with the same hookers and blow crap then it is just CU getting their just desserts. If Texas was to every get pissed and just send of a note to the NCAA it would be OU not CU. They take way more of our recruits from IN STATE then anyone, and we havn't reported on them
It is clear to me that if this is true we should be very happy he went to boulder. As to Major, being with Saban for a year might scent him, but Robinson is not that way at all and anyone who would suggest that our friends from Rice would ever cheat is simply S-T-U-P-I-D! Coaches get busted at Rice if the players don't have a 3.5.
CU went off on Major because someone on the net said so? The timing for Texas wasn't great, and Colorado should have pointed out that the RB coach never really ran the ball.
Wow, this may end up blowing up on Colorado. I'll await the facts, but if the recording exists, UT should turn it in to the NCAA. It's only right.
This kind of thing needs to be stamped out in any way possible. It certainly is not sour grapes, if this is what it appears to be.
I highly doubt that anyone at CU was involved in this (still not sure what the allegations are). Possibly a booster, but there are nothing but net rumors on this site.

I would love to sit in on the Scott/Sosoni conversation.,...should be lively. Intersting that Sosoni seemed to be really biased towards the Horns.
We are showing our *** with our enamoration of the blog. I could have written that blog. West Virginia is to Rich Rodriguez as Texas is to Darrell Scott. Let it go, Vondrell is a badass.
I did not see where this had been posted but here is a follow-up to the orginal NYT article on Scott. It talks about this stuff and ts titled "Twist in the Scott Recruiting Story"

The Link
In today's paper - Brian Cabral gets a promotion from Hawkins to Asst HC. I believe he's the person that was quoted as saying "CU runs the cleanist program in the Big 12" and he's quoted saying this "There has never been atemptation not to do things the right way here."

He must have a very short term memory since he was on both of Neuheisel and Barnett's staffs as well. I know he's a great LB coach but how could you keep a coach on your staff when he's already been involved on 2 staffs that cheated?
I'm not accusing hm of anything - but it's strange that he keeps talking about CU running a clean program when he's been on two staffs that were not.
I know a lot of the stuff on the internet is garbage, but wasnt the Bomar thing brought up on Texags or or whatever the aggy message board is way before it appeared elsewhere. Seems like it was a gf who works at Big Red knows something type of post.

I honestly dont know whether this is true or not. I'm just saying not 100% of everything on the web is false. Maybe close to 100%, but not quite a 100%
Two things are for sure:

1. There isn't a chance in hell of Darrell Scott's mother taking a job in Boulder any time soon.

2. The next few times Texas and CU play it will be very interesting. A lot of bad blood is being made right now and it will not soon be forgotten.
The reason I think this may be different from other situations where lost a recruit to someone else (even when our staff knew the other side was cheating) is that DS didn't want to go to CU.

If you have a situation where the kid is taking part in the cheating, then you let them go and don't say anything, abiding by the unwritten rule of not telling on other schools. You probably don't want that kind of kid anyway.

But here if they really think DS didn't get to make the descision, but his cheating mom made it for him, then they have more reason to be converned.
You are absolutely correct, which is too bad. For the most part CU fans have had a healthy respect for UT and their fans. Then again, may be just the die hards that even care or know about this.....general fan population may not even know (or care).

Wonder if Hawk or Mack have talked at all.....not sure what their relationship is like.

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