Maybe I do keep up with the goings on in the black community in Dallas. What's it to you? Do you? And does my knowledge of the comings and goings of the Dallas black community strengthen or weaken my opinion that JWP seems to have dug himself a hole that the FBI may or may not let him to crawl out of? I don't think so.
Now, to answer your racial tangent on Rick Perry, I have to admit that I do not know what his past holds, how many times he's faced criminal tresspassing, criminal mischief, aggravated assault with a weapon, sexual assault charges, etc.. But if he had the same checkered past as, say, JWP, and gets investigated by the FBI on possible money laundering, tax evasion, bribery and fraud charges, I'd darn sure admit that his past should serve as a warning sign that he has shown a close proximity to criminal behavior, making any charges seem more legitimate than just being pulled out of the thin air and handed down based solely on a racial, religious, or good-haired hatred.