MNF & Damar Hamlin

My primary concern about Hamlin is his brain functionality. While I know nothing more than anyone else, I do know that an oxygen starved brain is not good. The question is, how long was his heart not pumping?

We all pray that he fully recovers.
Skip Bayless is a self-serving lowlife. An embarrassment to his profession, which is really saying something. He embodies what ESPN wants: A controversial POS that attracts eyeballs. I have watched him for a total of about one minute in the past 15 years.

That’s one minute more than I have.
Seriously, besides bars in hotels, airports, etc., who tunes in to ESPN to listen to any of the mindless droning over the minutiae of professional sports?
I’m no Skip Bayless fan by any means, but the last sentence of his tweet keeps being ignored in the rush to filet him. “…which suddenly seems so irrelevant”
Honestly do not know who Skip Bayless is. I have heard his name probably on this forum but never paid any attention.
I found a couple of links a bit ago but they were, understandably, taken down.

All the absolutely, horribly
disgusting things one can find on them internet. Yes, thank Gawd this was taken down.

Society may not be able to handle seeing a man drop to the ground from cardiac arrest.

We'll just stick with JFK head shots and other less sensitive things.

My primary concern about Hamlin is his brain functionality. While I know nothing more than anyone else, I do know that an oxygen starved brain is not good. The question is, how long was his heart not pumping?
We all pray that he fully recovers.
I can attest to the effects of an oxygen starved brain. It's why I had to retire much, much earlier than planned.
Pleased he still alive despite critical condition. Hoping for best outcome for the young man.

[Political comment removed. There is a WM thread that covers this aspect of the incident.]
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Thanks for that. Sounds encouraging.
Damar is a fine young man. That he would start a toy drive with his NFL money is remarkable.
Prayers for him.
Local radio update this morning said he has gone from being 100% reliant on the vent to only 50%. That's huge improvement though not nearly out of the woods.
In case anyone is wondering, I hope this man recovers and is able to play again. I am simply suggesting he would not have had this grabber if not for the covid shot. No evidence, and I don't have to have any to suggest it. It's a fan board.

Perfectly placed "blunt force" to the exact millimeter area of the chest...yeah, right. What a laugh. Texas has a better chance of being in the NC game next year, and that is practically No Chance.

I have a bridge to sell of some of y'all, too.
And more from :"Damar Hamlin’s agent Ron Butler told CNN the injured Buffalo Bills player is awake and has been holding hands with family in the hospital."
You are right to ask questions. For instance many are pointing out that the condition said to have caused the attack are usually from direct hits to the heart from a fast moving object, a baseball etc. And have almost always happened to kids under 20 wearing no chest protection Kids who have not developed the stronger chest muscles. Even at that there have been around 200 since 1995.
Damar certainly had quite strong chest muscles as well as shoulder pads that covered his upper chest. Damar was not hit by a fast moving projectile.
Many have questioned why there are feds there at the hospital. And so far we do not know if he had had a booster .
Enough questions to not just blindly accept the explanation.
There is a medically identifiable and likely (true, not unequivocally confirmed) cause of the injury: Commotio Cordis. This diagnosis has been put forth by people I know and trust — one, a trauma doctor, within 30 minutes of the incident — as well as the vast majority of cardiovascular doctors and trauma nurses. It is a known medical phenomenon that, while rare, has existed since decades before Covid.

The rush by some (even in my family, BTW) to link every medical oddity and nuance that occurs to the Covid vaccine does not have a basis in logic for me. It feels like an ongoing equivocation.

Could the vaccine have been the cause of Hamlin’s injury or contributed to it? Perhaps. If so though, is there a statistical basis to draw that conclusion?

I understand the argument that information is being or may have been suppressed. But again, though, the rush to judgment, associating everything with the vaccine, continues to lack a sound basis in logic for me.
I understand the argument that information is being or may have been suppressed. But again, though, the rush to judgment, associating everything with the vaccine, continues to lack a sound basis in logic for me.
Agree. It often happens here though that anything that can be politicized, will be.
The rush by some (even in my family, BTW) to link every medical oddity and nuance that occurs to the Covid vaccine does not have a basis in logic for me. It feels like an ongoing equivocation.
So, kinda like global warming? (A little West mall/On the Field humor :smile1:)
Take it to On The Field, man. This thread is for political gnashing of teeth.

So,this is for west mall^^^^
There is a medically identifiable and likely (true, not unequivocally confirmed) cause of the injury: Commotio Cordis. This diagnosis has been put forth by people I know and trust — one, a trauma doctor, within 30 minutes of the incident — as well as the vast majority of cardiovascular doctors and trauma nurses. It is a known medical phenomenon that, while rare, has existed since decades before Covid.

The rush by some (even in my family, BTW) to link every medical oddity and nuance that occurs to the Covid vaccine does not have a basis in logic for me. It feels like an ongoing equivocation.

Could the vaccine have been the cause of Hamlin’s injury or contributed to it? Perhaps. If so though, is there a statistical basis to draw that conclusion?

I understand the argument that information is being or may have been suppressed. But again, though, the rush to judgment, associating everything with the vaccine, continues to lack a sound basis in logic for me.

But this^^^^^ is good here...
:fiestanana: So, kinda like global warming? (A little West mall/On the Field humor :smile1:)
Here in CA, I googled “California drought” last night. The experts are saying that the current storm won’t make much of a dent. Hmmm. Cities are floating away. Hillsides are collapsing. Snow is stacked up to about 30,000 feet. And, for the first time in forever, we are hearing a term like “Bomb Cyclone,” but the current rains “won’t make a dent.”