Mizzou Game 2

Top 6 Horns have 10 hits but just three runs to show for it.

all 4 mizzou runs have come with 2 outs mimicking Texas last night

Jordan Weymouth leads off

fastball strike; 1-0
Shepherd up (that was Etier's third K of day and 63 on season for him almost 1/3 of his at bats)

strike; 0-1
ball; 1-1
strike 1-2
foul off; 1-2
slider outside; 2-2
fouled off; 2-2
fouled off; 2-2
low; 3-2 but runner is caught stealing for third out.

5.5 done 4-3 Tigers
Bottom 6

Jonas Schmidt leads off

fastball up and in; 1-0
slider strike; 1-1
1 hopper to short throws him out, 1 down.

foul off; 0-1
swing and miss; 0-2
curveball misses; 1-2
outside; 2-2
breaking ball low; 3-2
line drive to center base hit.
Santo up with runner on first

breaking ball strike; 0-1
throw first
WP advances runner; 1-1

Skip Johnson to mound to talk to Cole. McKirahan warming up.

strike; 1-2
breaking ball low; 2-2
bounces one to short who throws first for out. 2 down

high; 1-0
strike; 1-1
inside; 2-1
changeup strike; 2-2
Pop up to center, gets third out.

Tigers strand runner at third, no runs on 1 hit. 6 full 4-3 Mizzou.
Top Seven


ball; 1-0
swing and miss at breaking ball; 1-1
swing and miss curve; 1-2
fastball low; 2-2
pop up foul; 2-2
low; 3-2
Keyes first pitch pop out to right, 1 down.

Rupp up with runner on first

fastball fouled off; 0-1
fouled off; 0-2
breaking ball outside; 1-2
curve ball misses; 2-2
fastball high; 3-2
fouled off; 3-2
swing and miss K. 2 down.
Rowe up with 2 on and 2 down

low; 1-0
curve strike; 1-1
fouled off; 1-2
fouled off; 1-2
fastball high; 2-2
outside; 3-2
swing and miss K to end inning.

Horns strand 2. 6.5 done and MU leads 4-3.
Jamieson out to change pitchers, bringing in a RHP - Tyler Clark w/ a 4.46 ERA. Surprised he didn't bring in a new pitcher to start the inning.
Thanks for the updates, guys. I'm reading along . . . with my rally cap on.

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