Mike Tirico

Hey, I'm not arguing in a favor of Tirico. I'm just pointing out that Greenberg's play-by-play just doesn't sound good. The tone doesn't fit.
I prefer the three Mikes to Tirico and Kornheiser.

Mike and Mike and Mike all sound like three guys who are enjoying a football game and talking about it. I don't need great play-by-play. I have a 50 inch plasma TV in my living room. I can SEE what is going on. What I don't need in my living room is an whiney dork like Kornheiser who is just trying way to hard to be Howard Cosell.

Honestly, I would love to have any of the Mikes over to watch a game, but Greenberg would be on beer duty. If Kornheiser showed up, I would throw his sorry *** out. I don't know anyone who thinks he is an addition to the MNF crew.
I haven't forgiven Tirico for his crappy announcing in the Holiday Bowl against Oregon. I believe a strip seach would reveal a giant "I "heart" Oregon" tatoo across his chest.
Greenburg's sucktitude is only surpassed by Bryant Gumble. I had to turn off the Broncos/Raiders game because of the shrillness of his voice. Holy **** that guy sucks. He sounded like "1930s reporter guy" from the ticket.

I don't mind Tirico, but Jaworski is solid and carries that booth. Kornheiser sucks, but so do most second-rate, "third guy in the booth" types.
Kornheiser absolutely smells; with the score 37-31 in the 4th quarter he drops this blindling nugget of insight: "This has the feel of a game where the last team with the ball will win." Ya think?? God, he is bad, with his pink tie and ****** looking combover.
People really love ragging on t.v. analysts and play by play guys. I don't think any of them at the pro level are really all that bad. I can enjoy every game I watch without having to use the mute button, unlike ESPN2 during college games.
People love to complain about anything. Tirico is all right with me. You can tell he really enjoys calling the game. I wish he was still doing college football.
I am going to be the dissenter here and say that Tirico is probably one of my favorite announcers in football. The guy's awareness of whats going on on the field is unparalleled and his ability to convey that to the listener is just as good. Tony Kornheiser should stick to PTI where he is great and let Tirico and Jaws handle it.

On another note, has NBC outdone themselves with their studio crew this year? Bob Costas, Keith Olbermann, Dan Patrick, and Chris Collinsworth? Jesus christ that is an all-star cast.
Yeah, I don't get all the bitching about tv analysts/color commentary guys. Is really THAT bad? No. They're just three guys watching the game and making comments like you and your buddies do. I think Kornheiser is fine- he makes some silly comments but he's okay. And Tirico is just a good guy. Nothing crazy.

Jaworski is the only guy I don't like. Every comment he makes sounds like a tv reporter finishing the end of a story. It's got that consistently annoying beat to the speech. Besides, it's about what's on the field that matters anyway...
