Mike Pence???

Of course, there is no way to tell if the old man actually relies on him for anything, or if the kid is just tagging along.

When Trump spoke about his trip to Scotland during Brexit, he said the golf course was all Eric's project and repeatedly praised him for the great job he did.

He's actually said plenty of times that the older kids are running many of the business interests while he's too busy campaigning 24/7.

I see how the two older Trump sons rub people wrong. A little too bravado and know-it-all in demeanor for their less than matching presence. Comes off like faking machismo.

Reminds me a lot of working as CFO under the owner of an O&G company back in early 2000's. His young (22) son joined us the second year. Got annoying hearing his attempted authoritarian directives of "We need _____ so Dad wants you to ____". :puke:

Ivanka is quite impressive in both demeanor and accomplishment. She appears to be a throwback to old school power women with class, grace, elegance, and kindness.

Most reports say Ivanka's husband has the loudest voice in his political affairs. Which is odd as his demeanor is weak and far less masculine than all the adult Trump males.
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I like Pence. It's Trump I don't trust or like. Still voting for Gary Johnson.
Selecting Pence is an indicator of how he might actually run his administration. This selection counters a lot of the "untrustworthy judgement and temperament" reservations that a lot of voters may have.

Voting for Gary Johnson is a vote to put a felon into the White House.
Selecting Pence is an indicator of how he might actually run his administration

This is exactly why I've always been in a favor of an absurdly successful business developer with little past political alliance like Trump running the country.

Instead of filling staff positions with political cronies and those they owe favors from helping rise through the political ranks, a business leader understands how to search and find experts in a field to fill a specific function.

Who would Trump appoint to negotiate trade deals? A well-accomplished master of trade negotiations. Who would HC turn to? Likely a John Kerry political type like Obama.

How would Trump approach a foreign crisis? Rally the military heads, foreign advisers, and jointly formulate a business strategy to solve the problem.

A politician would assemble similar people yet inject political appearance into the fray and typically water down a viable solution to retain political stature.

This country needs someone interested in attacking problems with the goal of actually solving them. Not another corrupt politician only interested in keeping power and political appearances intact.

Police are under siege on our streets. 6 shot, 3 killed by multiple gunmen in Baton Rouge today. Dallas ambush last week plus at least 3 other cops gunned down elsewhere.

Terrorist attacks are popping up left and right around the world, including here and Europe. FBI has 1,000 open cases of potential terrorists in U.S.

We gotta get serious and start combating these problems aggressively and without mercy. Hillary will do nothing more than Obama to seriously purge these threats as she has to dance and keep BLM and Muslims happy so they continue to vote for her.
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Or being beholden to anti-colonialist ideology like Obama.

If only people woke up to the depth and truth of that statement. Action after action he's taken at home and abroad has proven his motivation to fulfill his father's lifelong commitment and teachings on this.

Americans should go back and watch Obama 2016. Made in 2012, now after the fact it makes D'Souza seem like Nostradamus in his predictions of what was to come and why.
Selecting Pence is an indicator of how he might actually run his administration. This selection counters a lot of the "untrustworthy judgement and temperament" reservations that a lot of voters may have.

Voting for Gary Johnson is a vote to put a felon into the White House.
No. Voting for a big government liberal for the GOP Nominee was a vote to put a felon in the White House. Don't blame me for your stupidity.
No. Voting for a big government liberal for the GOP Nominee was a vote to put a felon in the White House. Don't blame me for your stupidity.
???? I'm not stupid and I did not vote for Trump in the Virginia primary.

That was 9 months ago. The primaries are what they are. It's impossible to go back and change that. Only stupid people think that's possible. So now, You have a choice between stupidity or the lessor of two evils. Sounds like we know where you're heading.

I get the distaste for big government, and Mike Pence - a tea party favorite does too. But in the triage of 1) The Supreme Court, 2) existential threats to our homeland, big government can't compare. You can't fix big government unless the Constitution is defended, we stop more people coming here illegally, and ISIS is neutralized.

That felon, who benefits from votes for Johnson, just promised free college to people.
You're complaining about Big Government and you called me stupid?

Don't cut your nose to spite your face.
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Voting for the lesser of 2 evils is still evil. Trump supported Hillary with his wallet a mere 8 years ago and he called himself a democrat only 2 years ago. He has been on all sides of every issue just during the last 9 months. Who knows what he will do if elected? I believe he will do what benefits him and his cronies. That is his history.

I like Gary Johnson and agree with him on most issues. I will vote for Johnson-Weld and support them with my wallet.
Voting for the lesser of 2 evils is still evil. Trump supported Hillary with his wallet a mere 8 years ago and he called himself a democrat only 2 years ago. He has been on all sides of every issue just during the last 9 months. Who knows what he will do if elected? I believe he will do what benefits him and his cronies. That is his history.

I like Gary Johnson and agree with him on most issues. I will vote for Johnson-Weld and support them with my wallet.
A pothead in the Oval Office. Got it. Trump neither drinks or smokes.
A pothead in the Oval Office. Got it. Trump neither drinks or smokes.
Hitler didn't drink or smoke either. And Hitler didn't marry a porn star like Trump. So by your criteria he would have made a great President.

I have no problem with Gary smoking pot. I support legalization and think the war on drugs is moronic.
I have no problem with Gary smoking pot. I support legalization and think the war on drugs is moronic.
Oh...you're really/actually a libertarian. Well of course you should vote for Johnson.

I gathered you were a conservative complaining about Trump.

Drugs are a scourge by the way.
Oh...you're really/actually a libertarian. Well of course you should vote for Johnson.

I gathered you were a conservative complaining about Trump.
Yes I am a Libertarian. But I've voted for the GOP Presidential candidate in every election of my adult life, back to 1984. I've often held my nose while casting my ballot. But the stench of Trump is too great. Plus I really like Johnson.
I'm voting for Johnson because the stench of Trump is too great. However, I wouldn't call him ideal. I favor a more assertive foreign policy, and I'm more socially conservative. However, I'll vote for him anyway because he's at least a real fiscal conservative and because he respects constitutional limits on federal power. Accordingly, even if he's not a staunch social conservative, he's not going to trample on the rights of socially conservative states to enact conservative policy, which is their legitimate constitutional right and all I expect anyway. I have no interest in imposing social conservatism on Massachusetts. I just don't want Massachusetts imposing social liberalism on Texas.

Basically, I'll vote for Johnson because he's good enough and a vast improvement over the dishonest crook and the Kardashian freak show.
???? I'm not stupid and I did not vote for Trump in the Virginia primary.

That was 9 months ago. The primaries are what they are. It's impossible to go back and change that. Only stupid people think that's possible. So now, You have a choice between stupidity or the lessor of two evils. Sounds like we know where you're heading.

I get the distaste for big government, and Mike Pence - a tea party favorite does too. But in the triage of 1) The Supreme Court, 2) existential threats to our homeland, big government can't compare. You can't fix big government unless the Constitution is defended, we stop more people coming here illegally, and ISIS is neutralized.

That felon, who benefits from votes for Johnson, just promised free college to people.
You're complaining about Big Government and you called me stupid?

Don't cut your nose to spite your face.
Since you didn't actually vote for Trump in the primaries, I apologize for calling you stupid. But the argument that anyone who does not vote for Trump is voting for Hillary is disingenuous, at best. I have many problems with Trump. But I could overlook them enough to vote for him if I thought he would govern as a conservative or even a moderate. Trump's history is liberal. Since he tells a new story every day, depending on the crowd he is speaking at, I only trust him to revert to form. So you do not know who Trump will actually appoint to the Supreme Court. And Milktoast McConnell has proven he has no spine. So Trump will get whomever he wants.

Hillary might actually be more willing to protect the homeland. She has voted for or supported almost all military action since she entered the Senate. Trump will be better at smarting off to enemies......and allies. Neither will win us much on the world stage. I prefer a pacifist Libertarian who won't get us into conflicts unless it is a very clear and present danger.

Regarding immigration, Trump's keystone issue, he has been on all sides of the issue. I don't expect him to do much about it, but he will be better than Hillary or Obama the Clown. I don't expect much of a wall to be built. Of course it could be a way for him to throw a 50 year, multi-Trillion dollar job to a crony.
Since you didn't actually vote for Trump in the primaries, I apologize for calling you stupid. But the argument that anyone who does not vote for Trump is voting for Hillary is disingenuous, at best. I have many problems with Trump. But I could overlook them enough to vote for him if I thought he would govern as a conservative or even a moderate. Trump's history is liberal. Since he tells a new story every day, depending on the crowd he is speaking at, I only trust him to revert to form. So you do not know who Trump will actually appoint to the Supreme Court. And Milktoast McConnell has proven he has no spine. So Trump will get whomever he wants.
Yeah dude...I hate Trump. I think I've made that pretty clear for about a year. Although, I actually hate him more for his persona than his (campaign trail) policies.

My first criteria is you can't be a felon. Anyone with a brain knows Hillary committed a felony. If between now and the election Trump is indicted for a felony, then I'd probably vote for Johnson. This criteria for me is inflexible and beyond my prerogative to waive.

Beyond that first basic criteria, my logic is I, and I also believe you and Deez, don't want a liberal (big government liberal in your case) in the White House. We know for a fact Hillary is a liberal who will appoint a liberal SCOTUS justice and will try to expand liberal big government programs. That is known. You make fair points about Trump's waffling on issues and his history. Maybe your suspicions about his true liberal big government colors are accurate. In reality, he's not really a conservative on a handful of rather fundamental conservative issues (which is why he appeals to some moderate voters). But in the end, I'll take a suspected liberal candidate who just nominated Pence over a dead to rights liberal candidate who just promised free college to people and a 500% increase in the number of Syrian refugees. If you want to optimize the probability of getting conservative policies, that's is the dominant voting strategy.*

*If Johnson became enough of a threat to actually win, that changes the strategy and I would effectively accept Deez' same assessment on Johnson. I can't say 100% I'd go with Johnson, but I would seriously evaluate everything about him with an open mind. That scenario is a huge long-shot.
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*If Johnson became enough of a threat to actually win, that changes the strategy and I would effectively accept Deez' same assessment on Johnson. I can't say 100% I'd go with Johnson, but I would seriously evaluate everything about him with an open mind. That scenario is a huge long-shot.
In a normal election, I would agree with you. This year, however, we have major party nominees with HUUUGGGEEE negative numbers. Both Trump and Clinton are distrusted and disliked by a majority of the voting age population. Both parties are dealing with various levels of disunity. So there is a chance for a Johnson presidency, albeit with longshot odds.

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