mihm_rules passes away

So very sad. Life is way too short in general, but for this kid, it's just so tragic. I'm sure all of our thoughts and prayers are with his family right now as they deal with an unimaginable loss.

Godspeed mihm_rules.
Puts a knot in my gut thinking about it. My only son, 18, just graduated 3 weeks ago....and I hugged him and told him how much I love him today. RIP Gary
I didn't realize until just now that I actually knew this kid. I worked with his dad wen he was sports editor in Sulphur Springs something like nine years ago. He was a good kid, from everything I remember. Course I hated the fact that he was only like 9 and was already almost as tall as me, but that's beside the point...
I went to my cousin's son's high school graduation this past weekendin Las Vegas. (So the kid would be my "first cousin once removed".) The kid is a little too squeeky clean, but he's excited about going to Mexico for 5 weeks with a friend and her family. His future is wide open.Driving to and from Vegas, I kept my speed down a little. I had told my mother about mihm_rules and she had had me promise that I would be careful. Usually I am pushing 100 mph whenever possible, but this time I barely made it to 90 mph once, and that was going down hill barely touching the gas. (Germans make good cars.)

I made the trip back to LA from 10pm-2am (roughly) Sunday night because the roads are much clearer then. I was thinking about mihm_rules when I passed a truck pulling over towards the side. I was going about 80, I was wide awake, and I have been driving for over 18 years. And I realized something...

The speed limit in Arizona is 75 mph
on almost all of the highways. Most people drive around 5-10 mph over the speed limit. Even when cops are on the road, people usually venture towards 5 mph over. That would mean that mihm_rules was probably going 80-85 mph, which in Arizona is nothing excessive.

I was a little nervous as a truck going about 60 mph was moving away from me. The differences in our speed made my approach a 20 mph approach as I pulled closer to him. If the news reports were correct, the truck that pulled in front of mihm_rules would have probably been going about 5-10 mph if it was going to make a 90 degree turn off the highway. That would mean that mihm_rules was approaching the truck at roughly 75 mph. Even for an experienced driver that wasn't tired, a truck pulling in front of you as you approach going 75 mph would almost surely result in an ugly wreck. I would probably have my lights on, I would probably flash them as I was approaching, I would have probably slowed down some, and I would have already veared over to the oncoming traffic lane simply because of my experience. I have driven enough to learn that most drivers aren't that aware of others on the road. I expect
drivers to try to hit me. Not because they mean to, but because most people are driving imbiciles. But it has taken me quite a few years to learn not to trust anyone on the road.

Alcohol, drugs, and poor judgement didn't have to be involved in the accident for this to happen. Even extra precautions might not have helped. If the truck driver didn't see the car coming and pulled out in front after it was too late to react, nothing could have prevented this tragedy.
Dennis -

Im sorry that your family had to go through something as tragic as this. Not only did you lose a wonderful nephew, the world lost a wonderful person. I pray that your family is able to achieve peace in light of this event.
As a parent with two daughters 21 and 25, I can't tell you how much Gary's death has affected me. My family's thoughts and prayers are with your family.

The Gary we knew here as mihm_rules was a wonderful, thoughtful young man, who will be missed by many hundreds or thousands of Hornfans.com regulars.

Please feel free to visit or post here anytime, we're just one big family. When the time is right, I'm sure others here, like me, would love to hear from Gary's mom and/or dad.
dennis, i can imagine what your family feels at this time... it's got to be a mixture of shock, disbelief, sorrow, grief, happy that i knew him... at least those are the feelings that i feel. i feel like i knew gary... yet, i never knew his name. i honestly can't remember if i ever asked him or he ever told me as we pm'd. i can't really remember specifics about what we talked about - but i know that he made me laugh. he was a happy, well adjusted, young man enjoying his youth. what a vibrant life lost.

caution: uh, guys... this is 3:16
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Thanks to all of you for keeping up the posts. It means so much to my husband and me that Gary's friends keep thinking about him. The Hornfans community is awesome.
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I know this isn't "3:16" material, but he was a poster here quite often and I thought people would like to know.
The Link

Gary Durrenberger was the son of a Tucson sportswriter who I became friends with while at Arizona. He talked about his upcoming Rocky Point trip on this board, and never made it home. Although I never met Gary in person, I do know his father well and feel horrible about this tragedy.

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