Miam's #1 pick - what if they forfeit it?


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I have heard that Parcells is pissed that the has to spend so much $$$ on a #1 overall pick especially when there is no blockbuster name out there. And apparently noone wants to trade for it for the same reason.

So what I was thinking was what happens if Miami exceeds the 10 or 15 minute to make their pick? Remember that when these teams get on the clock, they have 10 or 15 min (I think the NFL changed it to 10min this year) to make their pick and if they don't they forfeit the pick.

If Parcells doesn't want to spend the cash (and really it is a cap issue) why not forfeit the pick?

How pissed off would the NFL be if they did that? But I think it is something to consider.
They would still have to pay first round money because they can submit their pick anytime after the 10 minutes is up. Once time runs out it just means teams can jump in front of them.
if you think for one second that Bill Parcells, the guy who took a freaking car-wreck Dallas team and turned them back into an elite squad through the draft, and arguably the greatest drafter in history is going to screw up his draft pick, and then add "its something to consider", you are obviously trolling/jealous Dallas fan aka completely idiotic in the football realm but grew up loving the Cowboys and spend every year wondering how the geratest team in the world cant even win a playoff game
i mean, if you have ANY doubt, dont even respond on this post. go look up who Jerry, uhh, I mean Dave Campo drafted and then look at who Parcells drafted, and now that you're back to Jerry, uhhh, I mean Wade Phillips, get ready for some buster-*** draft picks
Bobby Carpenter? Julius Jones? There was also a lineman in there that they cut. He might have drafted Marion Barber, who is a relief back at best in the NFL. I will give you Andre Ware, What about Marcus Spears? Parcells is the most over-rated piece of turd ever in the history of the NFL.
It is not the worst strategy in the world. You don't have to forfeit, you jump in whenever you want. So if you want to use the fourth pick, just be ready the second the third pick is submitted. You then pay fourth pick money, not first pick money.
Andre Ware?
Given the Dolphins personnel situation and what's available amongst the Top 5 picks, I could see the Dolphins pulling a stunt like this. It wouldn't be a bad one at all and would save them a few million in theory.

The Dolphins could make use of anyone from Cedric Ellis to Leodis McKelvin. They could also make use of them at a reduced cost.
michael irvin
troy aikman
emmitt smith
russell maryland
randall godfrey
larry allen
brock marion
darren woodson
leon lett
tony tolbert
mark tuinei?
ken norton jr
Agree that Parcells is overratted. He does well at picking guys that are gonna be solid role players but he drafted far too many busts while in Dallas. Spears was a terrible pick and passing on Stephen Jackson for Julius Jones was terrible. He is great at getting guys that will contribute in the later rounds but he doesn't evaluate top notch talent well. Bobby Carpenter.
If St. Louis (2nd pick) decided that they also wanted to bypass the number one pick, who picks after the Falcons (the 3rd pick). I would assujme that the Dolphins and St. Louis would have to race to the podium to get in the 2nd overall pick.
The draft is kind of a crap shoot. Even smart people can make mistakes there. That said, Bill Parcells is hardly flawless when it comes to the draft, but he's no idiot either.
Nobody will ever intentionally bypass a pick. Trade down, draft for someone else, etc. No offense, but this is ludicrous. A draft pick is a commodity. You're gonna pass on it?
ramathorn, they won't trade down b/c noone wants to trade with them. believe it or not, having the #1 overall pick can be an albatross if there isn't a stud around. look at SF taking alex smith in that weak draft a few years ago.

regardless, miami is going to take jake long and pay him a crapload of money. will it be worth it????
It not a bad strategy. if you have three guys that you value evenly (say Long, Long, and Golston), you just sit back and wait for two of them to be taken, then step in and pick the 3rd guy. There is a pretty big difference between paying 1st pick money and 4th pick money.

Its a bad idea out of principal, and the fans would be pissed, but it really does make sense and could make your team better.
Are you guys sure that they would only have to pay 4th pick money under that scenario? It seems like to me that they would still have to pay for the # 1 slot, unless they can find a willing trade partner (not likely).
my God, mike has Cowboys issues.

It's a legitimate thought and one that has been bounced around the last couple of weeks on several NFL boards. Most people don't realize how teams don't covet the very top picks any longer unless there is a stud everyone has pegged as a superstar, but I think many are starting to figure it out. The pay scale for those players is completely screwed up. Miami will have to let go of proven vetererans down the line because their money will go to the crapshoot player they draft.

But at the end of the day, as the poster above alluded to, I dont know if Miami can take the PR hit when they are trying to build excitement with Parcells and a new coach. A lot of fans either can't grasp the long-term implications or are unwilling to avoid them because they think the #1 player will turn it all around immediately. (Most of this comes from a pro football board lots of people read).

I don't know any Cowboys fans who don't appreciate that Parcells got us in a very good position and deserves a ton of credit. How that gets connected to Miami's decision is baffling, to be generous.
yes cochamps they will pay where they draft, though the player's agent is going to fight like hell to argue that they really wanted him at #1. But I don't see how that gets him anywhere.

I remember one team moving down a few years ago. But that was while they were trying to work out a trade.
Thefied, this draft is better than Smith's draft class. Ask any team if they will switch places with the Dolphins, the answer would be yes.
I disagree. Of course every team would trade the 30th pick straight up for the 1st pick. Nobody is suggesting that the Dolphins should wait until 30 to make their choice. There are some teams much earlier in the draft that wouldn't automatically make the trade if they like who they could get a few picks later.

EDIT ADDITION from ESPN- "No team has traded into the top 10 picks in the last two drafts. And no team since 1999 has traded into the top five overall spots from lower in the draft."
parcells and the dolphins can negotiate with anyone they want until they have to actually deliver the pick.

So this is likely posturing by Parcells to encourage one of the players he wants to sign for less money. "We WANT to take you first, but we just can't afford it... I'll tell you what, we'll tkae you first but pay you as if you were third last year. You'll make up the rest in endorsements."
I just don't believe that Marion Barber is an every down back. They tried that against the Giants, he tore them a new one in the first half and then did nothing in the second half.

Barber hasn't been an every down back since HS, I would believe that the coaches know what they are doing, they coach for a living.(taking tongue out of cheek)

Making the Pro Bowl is not an indicator of a great player.
Evil Roy is a perfect example.
If I were the Dolphins, I'd pass on the pick. They have too many needs to guarantee $30MM to a #1 pick that in any other draft would be a #4 or #5. Are Jake or Chris Long really worth $30mm guaranteed? Jake Long, maybe - probably. Chris Long - not at all. Jake Long could still be available at #4 if the Dolphins pass. If he's not, there are plenty of DEs they could "wait" on and get value for.

Power owners like Huizenga and Polian are probably going to push for a slotted system like the NBA. The NFL draft is getting away from doing what it's supposed to do, which is help bad teams get better so there's more parity in the league.

As it is, the risk of a high draft pick being a bust is getting close to outweighing the value of a high draft pick. Bad teams can't trade down and get more picks, because average teams don't want to trade up to get saddled with the significantly (figuratively and statistically) larger guaranteed contract of a player who is marginally better than the option they have later in the draft. Better teams know their 20th pick is almost as good as the 1st pick, with far less financial risk.
Peter King discussed this a while back and he felt certain that an agent would have a strong arguement to be paid based on the dolphins original draft position. I'm not sure I agree with him, but it certainly would piss some people off. You wouldn't be starting off your long term relationship in a very positive manner, but it might still be worth it.