Memroial Day Weekend begins tommorow...


25+ Posts
The trick to getting out of an MIP is to be upfront with the cop and admit your stupidness. Tell him chicks think you are cooler when you drink.

Good luck.
Well JohnnyRage he's going to getting out of anywith with the cops takes just one thing - money.
my thoughts and prayers are with your family who must be heartbroken, knowing you were about to spread your wings only to have this tragedy happen.

may you rest in peace and I hope you find happiness wherever your soul may lie.

tonight, I'll give my little boy that extra hug.
Good God that sucks
damn.. sucks to read this post knowing how it all turned out... I think I'll have a beer tonight and hope that this kid got some pooper action down in Mexico that he was planning on telling us about...

Y'know, I have cried. Y'know, I wonder what his next post would have been. What his posts would have been through college, getting a job. You know he was already constructing what he was going to say in any follow up thread. Maybe the mere thought of posting something gave him he courage to have extra bits of fun and to push the fun bubble. We won't ever know.

None of us know when our last post will be.
God Bless your family, it still feels like I'm talking to ya buddy, hope the trip went well and that you passed without pain. Hook 'Em...
Like someone else said on another thread, I think most of us looked to mihm_rules as that guy that we thought of as a little brother.

I have to get up early and move in the morning but this will be on my mind as I work with an old high school buddy of mine. My buddy and I have been very fortunate to have been able to make it to 30 together.

mihm_rules was the kind of guy that, even at the age of eighteen, just got it. You could tell from reading his posts that he understood his place as a young man and always showed respect to many of us who he never even really knew. One of the few posters on hornfans that I always knew where he was coming from and knew that he was listening and getting it the whole time.

Much like my sig below states... mihm_rules truely was who he was and he never apologized... he just always showed respect. When others can feel the respect that you show you don't have to apologize for being who and what you are. This is why I say he got it. And he got it a lot earlier in life than I ever did.

After reading his last post that was a really eerie feeling knowing he wasnt going to post again. i dont know about the rest of you guys but this honestly scared me after hearing this. It just reminds us that we have no control over our life and we are at the mercy of something higher and we never know when OUR time will be. I will be praying for his family and his loved ones. Rest in peace buddy